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quick question about starting on guitar...

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I would also like to get started on guitar, but I never got a chance to do so + I dont have any money whatsoever to get myself off the ground. But I've done a ton of research on guitars so that when I DO get some money, i wont waste any of it buying a useless/overkill equipment.


Depending on what type of music you will want to play, that will be the main determining factor on your choice of guitar. It is also recommended that you learn electric first than acoustic; the transistion from electric to acoustic is much easier than acoustic to electric. If you are looking to play coldplay music, get yourself a squier telecaster to get started. But if you are looking to "explore" and try different kinds of music, then a squier stratocaster will suit any beginners well. If you want to get your moneys worth, get the "STANDARD" series squier guitars. The bullet and affinity series will not last you long enough, however the standard series guitars can be upgraded and will last you a long time.


Look up tabs online to your favorite songs and start learning that way. It is nice, however to take lessons when you start out so that you get a solid foundation to stand on. But all the great gutiarists have taught themselves how to play, so once you get the basics down, it's ok to quit taking lessons.

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thanks =)


what i'm getting from this...squiers are better to go for because they're affordable and just as good to start on as the other big names, yeah?


i've messed around with my friend's acoustic before, and i noticed that my fingers hurt really badly when i was finished (LoL). so what other differences are there between starting out on electric and starting out on acoustic?

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Well, since I don't actually play guitar, I don't honestly know the difference. But I know a good friend who plays classical/acoustic guitar and he hates electric because it feels so different. The way you play acoustic is very different from the way you would play electric.


And yes, Squiers are the best deal for beginners. If you get lucky, you maybe able to find one that is just as well built as Fender counterparts. Make sure though, that you goto a guitar shop with someone knowledgable in guitars so that you don't get pushed by the salesmen to buy something you don't really need/fit. A smart choice would be to try out the guitars at a guitar shop, find what you want, and buy online at a trustworthy vendor for a much lower price.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not agree what yuo guys were saying. I play guitar for 3years now and I started with a Squier tele great guitar for price . Now i have fender thinline 72 and a fender hot rod deluxe great amp.


But anyway i'v' you dont have lots of cash buy an acoustic guitar . You will have an more satisfashion(dont know how to write satisfieng?):p. sound with an acoustic one.

Because electric means tons of effects to get for example the coldplay sound.


So 1 advise start acoustic then look for electric one

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  • 3 weeks later...

It depends on what you want to do, if you just want to try playing the guitar, you could buy a copy or rent an instrument. If you're more serious, you might thing of Squiers, these cost around €/$ 250,- . A very nice type of guitar to start with is a Stratocaster, since it has either a smooth and a clean sound

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  • 2 weeks later...

i always thought it was easier to start on acoustic rather than electric - because its harder to play the strings on acoustic so when you go to electric the transition is easier? im also new at guitar so i may be wrong..

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