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Reacting to emotions


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omg that's like the worst moment in the movie. it's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO unbelievably sad. i alwaysss cryyy then. lmaooo i'm such a cryer in movies. and books.




worst moment of my life :cry2:







i'm exaggerating.

but you know

it was am emotional moment


Yes, it was a very black moment, that's for sure....................................:rolleyes:

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i have a suspicion sirius isn't dead. but i'm trying to deal with it still.

you know i think it's the whole denial period for me still.

trying to think of ways that sirius might still be alive.

i;m going to be BALLING my eyes out when the 5th movie comes out.

sirius really was one of my favourites.


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i have a suspicion sirius isn't dead. but i'm trying to deal with it still.

you know i think it's the whole denial period for me still.

trying to think of ways that sirius might still be alive.

i;m going to be BALLING my eyes out when the 5th movie comes out.

sirius really was one of my favourites.



I reckon he might come back as a dementor...................................:sneaky:

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Hey Bonnie you seem to be a real HP fan......Lol


I was so expecting to see actress for Loony-she's my favorite character......But when I saw the girl I was kinda disappointed.


naww loonny :nice: heheee

yeah so was i. :(

in the first movie i was really disappointed with daniel radcliffe.

but i've grown to like him.


one og my other fav characters is ron. i loveee ronnn :nice: (the book ron that is)

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Thanks Bonnie :nice:


No, actually....Hm.....I've never like Dumbledore :sick: I must be the only one who thinks he's annoying......So I was kinda glad he died.No, not glad....But not upset.


But Sirius...It's a real thing.

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if i can find the camera i will take a photo and post it in the photos thread.

mum's hidden the camera

because i'm always taking it places and she's bothered that i take so many photos



Must have been all that chav-hunting you did!!:P

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stupid movies about animals dying always make me cry... It's inevitable.. every time I see one I cry. I can't help it. Actually I think I'm very emotional and I'm not able to control my laughing very well sometimes' date=' etc[/quote']


i'm like that i get so emotional when i see animals dying in movies.


actually when i was outside getting something from the car, these guys were driving past and they were going slowly, then all of a sudden they accelerated and i heard this huge POP noise and saw feathers all over the road and blood across the road... they had purposely drove over this bird and killed it. it made me sick and i was devastated i started crying :cry2: it was just so horrible.

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