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Swallowed in the Sea VS Hardest Part


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I started thinking about this just now and i realised that it is quite a hard choice to make. but thats just me. i think Swallowed... wins by an inch.

Also think that Swallowed... should have been 4th single of X&Y.


You can say which 1 u like better, or anything else u would like to say.




Or am i just annoying 4 asking this Question?!

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  • 2 weeks later...

definitely Swallowed in the Sea, a beautiful song IMO although not as exceptional as some of their other ballads.. still would've made a better single cos to me the Hardest Part is so un-Coldplay somehow..

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Well, Swallowed in the Sea is my favorite song on the cd, and The Hardest Part is my least favorite song on it, so there's really no contest for me.


Now that they're playing it on the radio every hour or so I'm getting to like THP alot more- it doesn't sound so much like a country song anymore. I love that bit at the end where it goes "everything I know is wrong, everything I do it just comes undone"- its the story of my life some days. But I still like most everything else better.

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definitely Swallowed in the Sea' date=' a beautiful song IMO although not as exceptional as some of their other ballads.. still would've made a better single cos to me the Hardest Part is so un-Coldplay somehow..[/quote']


The first time I listened to X & Y and got to THP I though, Wow, that sounds so un-coldplay-like! The funny thing is that that's why I really liked it. It sounded more laid back, almost like a jam session. It had an REM feel to it.


I LOVE Swalloed, and we ALL love Chris and the guys' intensity, but I found it refreshing to hear a more relaxed-sounding song with all the same lyrical intensity.


I'm not disagreeing with you. It's just what worked for me...sorry 'bout the essay...lol.

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