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Just a question...

Little Miss Clumsy

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I have an assignment to do for one of my subjects at school - a Personal Interest Project (PIP). The question I am asking is "What are the two different images portrayed by Coldplay and the Black Eyed Peas and have these images affected their popularity?"


So, could anyone please give me your ideas on what sort of an image Coldplay has? It doesn't have to be just one and you don't have to write heaps or anything... I just want to get an idea of what the fans think of the bands image. It could have to do with their music, dress style, what sort of personality they seem to have, what sort of organisations they are involved in etc.


Thanks for your time, anyone who reads or replies to this...:)

Also, I'm not sure if this question actually fits in with this forum room, so I'm sorry if it doesn't...

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Well.. for me I think the band's main image is one of being involved in world issues, especially as supporters of Make Trade Fair and Oxfam.


But as for your project.. Coldplay and Black Eyed Peas? Talk about apples and oranges! :wink:

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I'd say that Coldplay seem to portray (though they say they're not) the 'good boys' of rock. Chris doesn't smoke or drink -- and he's the most famous of them all. They don't wear crazy clothes or makeup (cough KISS cough), shows are family friendly, they support charities, you get the picture.

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^ I agree with the post above. They're kinda the nice guys, no scandals, and the main person you see on the outside, Chris Martin, protays the good family guy and going to Ghana or other third-world countries to make aware of these issues.


To me, they kinda created a new style of music. You can't compare them with any other band, they're kinda the creators of "soft rock" - they've gone from Alternative with Parachutes to Soft Rock with X&Y..


Well, if you need anything about the Black Eyed Peas.. I guess they kinda represent the individual, funky, crazy style.. They did something that hasn't been in the worldwide pop market so far ^^

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Please don't put Soft Rock in your project. They're alternative. Sorry flying sparks, but soft rock just reminds me of Micheal Bolton and things like that. :)


And they are, first and foremost, unpretencious and do not seek attention with crazy fashions and throwing things out of buildings. Will once said that part of the reason that they dress in black is so people don't notice what they're wearing and just focus on he music.


They are all married (Except for Jonny) and have are expecting children (Except for Jonny). They give 10% of total profits to chairty and are active with Oxfam, Make Trade Fair and Carbon Neuteral.


And like... they're all the best band in the world. You know.

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^ Even Chris himself said that they're soft rock -.- On the Charlie Rose Show, he said that Coldplay kinda re-created soft rock of our time..


And, no, they're NOT alternative anymore, I'm sorry, but they simply aren't! Sigur Ros are alternative, erm.. can't think of any others now, but Coldplay are definitely not Alternative anymore, no way!

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Chris always pokes fun at that "soft rockers" label, but it wasn't them who labeled themselves as such, it was the media. I wouldn't label them as soft rockers either, X&Y is not a soft rock album by any means.

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Well, to me, they don't fit in any category, just the main category "Rock", but as they aren't typical hard rock or anything, you can simply use this stupid, but fine name "soft rock" ^^ I mean, what are U2? Rock! And to me, Coldplay sound a little bit like this section/category/style/whatever, so.. To me, rock is fine ^^ I just don't think they're still alternative, that's it..

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Wow, all of your replies are so good! This is really good, all of the things that you've all said...:D


I was going to classify them as a rock band because, as Flying Sparks said, they don't really fit in to any other category. However, all the different types of music that they seem to represent are good things for my project.


As victaniac pointed out, Coldplay and BEP are complete opposites, but that was on purpose. I wanted to compare my favourite band, Coldplay, with another band. For that to work, I had to choose a different type of group altogether and Black Eyed Peas seemed perfect...


Anyway, everything that you've all said is so good. I really appreciate it. Thankyou so much. If anyone else has another impression of coldplay or want to comment, my question is still open..

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