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The Ruisrock vid worked for me..nice interview, liked the pancake bit at the end :)


I wonder which one he doesn't like: He likes NT, IPP, Silas, Cartoons & Reprise...so what's left...Vaccine? Tricks? RB???? :\


I'll have to hop on the other computer and see if I can rip the vid & yootoob it...I'm outside on the laptop right now and it's getting dark so I'll have to go inside in a bit :(


Just trying to make sense of the Jonas one :\

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(Dagbladet.no): When I was little I thought that I came to understand everything off-hand I grew up. Now I am 32 years old, and it still makes no sense, " says Jonas Bjerre, vocalist in it Island-approrpiate Danish band Mew, to Dagbladet.no.


17. August indierock-sweared one's nye album with the insanely long title " "No More Stories Are Told Today; Im Tired; Let's Wash Away" will go free.


Suffered from stories

A little paradoxically true. For No Stories ... really are an awfully historying -narrative album according to Bjerre. The first foreign reviews have been shining, and the album be said to be more colourful and brighter than the complicated, pretentious art rock the band has been known for. But also more extreme, with more individual songs. Point blank more mature than the D last cheated "«And the Glass Handed Kites "from 2005, thinks Bjerre.

There's one thing the Mew-vocalist has a matter of fact understood after he grew up«", and it's that the world is a mysterious and strange place.


I think maturity come off-hand you estimate that you never put to understand. When you try to get everything to make a sense, he says.


In a period Bjerre on the other hand had awfully been disillusioned, and six months ago all stories became only ligemeget. He was tired. Hence the record title.


It was so many of stories that were those the same, and I didn't handle to concentrate on watching a whole film or read a whole book. Now the phase is over, and I have started to look at films on the plane again, he says.


Nobody would be vocalist

When Mew started up for 15 the years page, had sworn a basic problem. None of the members would be vocalist. In the end this was Bjerre as if got the task, on defiance of that he had awfully been irritated. The vocalist's blyhed also was part of the reason for that the band performed with the gigantic prompted films in the background when they held concerts.


Now Bjerre on the other hand isn't depending on holding concerts with the animations farther, and he also reports that the band would like to move closer pop- arena.


- denne the record doesn't put from a frustrated place, it comes from a more harmonious and collective place. We had gladly to wish that people would see music ours more as a pop music, but we sense yes that it can become a little difficult, he says.

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Ended to be overwhelmed

If the record's first song, "«New Terrain«, be played backwards, be revealed another song with the title "Nervous". "Nervous" back plays on earlier well-known Mew-themes, like living life controlled by fear. "«New Terrain "on the other hand is more a kind angry fight, where the three present band members Bjerre, Bo Madsen and Silas Graae have to go out and face the world, without bassplayer Johan Wohlert who gave in in 2005.


In the end of August they have to three out and tour in the US together with the legendary rock band Nine Inch Nails.


At first I was awfully nervous about that tour that we had to look like weakling boys on the side them. But I think that the fans theirs really is awfully intellectual, and that they are open for unequal types of music, Bjerre backs out on a telephone Japan, where they play two concerts in connection with one's ongoing tour.


If I had known that I had to tour with Nine Inch Nails when I was 14 years, I had freaked (?) entirely out. But now I have really ended to be overwhelmed, he says.


From Japan Mew travels furthermore to Bangkok and Indonesia, before they on Wednesday will be klare for oslo and Øya festivalen. And for Mew it's lovely to be Danish in Norway.


You accepted us much earlier here than they did at home in Denmark, and it was a so rewarding experience. People got contact with us in a completely special way, I do not know completely why. But you feel awfully special when you are playing a place where you are then accepted, he says.

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