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I looked at the pics again ... he is so sexy when he looks down like that ... love his eyes... :P


I'll get some more screenshots tomorrow if I remember - I got a bit distracted tonite with the apparatjik stuff..


a whole day without talking about hair! :clap:




LOL !! :clap:


Thanks for that Paula :)


There is now a translation of the Soundvenue issue with Mew in it on Mewxico Project's blog on MySpace:





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He is wearing a loose, lightblue knitted sweater with a copper colored paper necklace round his neck


Paper necklace - there you go Jazz..


nd have been so since Johan Wohlert left the band, with much media attention, to make the married couple-gothpop-blunder The Storm


hahaha I just LOL'ed quite loud at that :laugh3:


Bo sits down across from me, wearing a blue butterfly, lightblue check pattern shirt, a nicely trimmed mustache, his hair well done and tanned skin




I catch Silas dressed in his own cloth – a velvet coat and attaché briefcase. With his quiet voice he seems like a vise and sympathetic older man, caught in a young drumming tornado's body


That I want to see...Silas in velvet :lol:

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More pics of Mew at Java Rockin' Land.




After their concert in Jakarta had been cancelled in 2003, in 2009, Mew finally came. They played in Indonesia's biggest International Music Festival, Java Rockin'land, they rocked Carnaval Beach with their superbly amazing performance. They start the show with their latest album's (No More Stories/Are Told Today/I'm Sorry/They Washed Away//No More Stories/The World Is Grey/I'm Tired/Let's Wash Away) single, "Introducing Palace Players" and they made the crowds go crazy. They also played "New Terrain", Repeater Beater" alongside with their songs from their previous album "Frengers" and "And the Glass Handed Kites" like "Chinaberry Tree","Zookeper's Boy", "Apocalypso", "Special", "Small Ambulance", "156", "Snow Brigade", "Saviours of Jazz Ballet", etc. and they closed the show with "Comforting Sounds".


The sound was great, and the visuals are amazing. The only thing that sucks was because they didn't plays their old songs like "Mica", "King Christian's", "Saliva" and "Symmetry". But overall the performance was awesome, especially when they performed "Sometimes Life Isn't Easy" cause they know that Indonesia just had a Bomb Blasts Incident.


That night, they proved that they are an amazing Rock Band. Awesome!

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Nice pics.


How was the gig...?????? :dance:


since it was Mew's first gig in Indonesia, then i and the other Indonesian Frengers are very enjoyed the performance... not only their music, the visual in the background was also great...


There are several things that make us, Indonesian Frengers, feel very happy.

First, Jonas wore Indonesian Frengers t-shirt that we gave..

and then they signed a flag that we made...


hope that Mew will come n perform again...

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Silas Article Translated


On mewsite AE-Christian translated this interview with Silas:



"Ekstra Bladet 7. August.


"I always miss Johan"



Mew will release their fifth album the 17th of August -The first without there former bass-player.


The 4-tracked highway to the stars was open. After 4 well received records Mew started to rock outside of Denmark, but on April the 11th 2006 the Hellerup-band was forced to hit the brakes. The bass-player Johan Wohlert left - officially as still friends - to make family with Pernille Rosendahl when they formed The Storm.



Three years later, the three members are ready to release the first record without Wohlert.


- Did you miss Johan in the recording process?


We always miss Johan, He's still a good friend, as the drummer Silas Graae says.

He seems shy. Very shy. He speaks so quiet that the dictaphone couldn't record all of it.


It seems like he thinks about every answer, with the eyes turned in to the green coffee-mug and the walls before he answers. But anyway it seems like he's hiding behind his answers, and keeps some parts of the truth to himself.


- How was it recording the album as a trio?

Johan's absence definitely affected the writing process. So it was quite different, but it also became a different kind of record compared to what we've done earlier. On the other hand it was always our intention to make a different record this time, with different writing-styles.


- Did Johan's leaving change your roles in the band?

It made an empty space somewhere, the forth place. So we had to change and take some other roles, but that always happens when we are writing. We had to get back on our feet and think things over again and again: How do you do that now? How about the dynamics? How are we going to make the patterns with bass, drums and bassdrum? The old patterns are gone now, so we had to make some new one. And I think it turned out pretty well.


- Why didn't you get a real replacement for Johan ?

We are still very close to do that, but when we were writing the songs we decided to move on just the three of us. But maybe we gets a new member in the future. It takes a lot of time to get to know each other, so we just cant take anybody in. But Bastian is a VERY big help.

- Do you miss, playing with Johan?

(silence for a couple of seconds)

- I think about him when we play live.


The new epos of Mew with the easy-pronounced title "No more stories are told today/Im sorry they washed away/no more stories the world is grey/im tired lets wash away" is out 17th of August.


The record is produced by Rich Costey, which previously have worked with Muse, Interpol and Glasvegas. Costey also produced the album Frengers. Next time mew will play live in Denmark is the 14th August at BeatDay.



"We just make the musik"


Mew are reviewer-darlings, and listener-darlings, AND colleague-darlings. - both Kings of Leon and Trent Reznor from NIN are fans.


- Trent talked really good about you on twitter, how is it to get nice reviews of a man like him?

It's nice to get respect from a man like him, I admire him, because I think he's a really skilled musician. It means a lot with the recognition. It's nice.


- You seem very unimpressed, do you get used to the recognition?

No we don't, not at all. We really appreciate the the recognition. So please don't misunderstand me, we are very proud. If you become immune to that you shouldn't make music, and then you are very cold.

- How do you feel about the fact, that your music means a lot to some people?

I know from myself how much music can mean, so I understand why people react as they do, and what they gets from our music. But at the same time I have to try not to understand some of the things, otherwise I think my legs will star shaking underneath me.


- What kind of things is that?

The product of our work is our music, we write it, we record it, we release it. that's the facts I can relate to. And for example I don't understand fans that gets us tattooed on there body.



"The Man behind the drums"


Silas Graae impresses us with his powerful drumming style at this years Roskilde festival.


- How do you become a great drummer?

First of all by rehearsing. You don't get good on your own. And I also listen to a lot of music, also other kinds of genres, because its important to be versatile. But playing with someone who gives you freedom in your playing, and who are skilled musicians and gives you feedback and inspiration is the most important. And in my case I'm very important to play with Jonas and Bo, they give me all of that."




Edited a bit to correct grammar and make it look like an actual article. :)

It was all grouped together beforehand.

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