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I'm just glad I could bring you some cheer:):sunny: - hey, it's just a quiz - there's always a next time!!;)


Yes well I had that quiz cuz almost anyone approved last test so it was supposedly to help us.... I approved it though so I don't have to worry that much... I feel bad cuz it was so easy that I can't believe I blew it in something that elemental...:\ However now I have to worry about my presentation -which is 2morrow!!!


Thanks again for the support!! :thumbsup:

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i passed the maths exam but now i've got to catch up chemistry and physics,


WAow Faust you are excellent in chemistry, congratulations, hey i need some help jk:P, i'm also in the uni studying Mechanics



i think if i revise more than before i'll pass it but i don't really like chemistry:dozey:

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i have a science exam friday :bomb: :bigcry: way to start winter break off for us, right? I HATE MR BOWERS! HES A F*CKING RAPIST! he's almost gotten fired 16 years in a row :bigcry: imsoscaredofhimandiknowimgonnafailthisexam :bomb:


well i can say i will probably fail my math exam on friday as well. you're not alone. :(

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okay, i'll let you know when it is:rolleyes:

thank you by the way


you do a license chemistry, how many years?


No, no it's not a license in Chemistry... at least here we have both careers... one is chemistry license and one is chemistry... they're different because my career is all about "The science" and the other is more pedagogical... they teach you more to be teacher.


It takes 5 years... they want to make it shorter because it's long time... But I've learnt a lot :D... 2 years left.

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