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Anyone else sick of all this "no standing business"


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It's really starting to bore me now , we're all here because we love coldplay ! i've never seen them live before (i missed out on the AROBTTH tour and X&Y) so i can't wait , i wouldnt care less if was sat behind the stage , just to be there would good enough.


If you were lucky enough to get tickets but are still going about the"no standing , what am i gonna do" just think of all the people on here who missed out on the tickets !



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Well done mate - well said.


Some of us missed out on tickets completely and its disgusting that people are complaining about this.


Nobody will sit down anyway so I dont know what people are moaning about.


Count yourselves bloody lucky you got tickets and stop complaining.

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Hello May 2008. Welcome to the boards.


Paying customers have a right to complain if they don't think something's being done right. It's like saying you're fed up of people complaining about the cutlery being dirty in a restaurant that people are queuing to enter.


If you don't understand why people are aggrieved then you don't really, imho, understand the concept of a gig. Seats restrict the ability to jump about and move freely even if you ARE stood up. So be quiet :)


(Directed at Burgandy...)

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Hello May 2008. Welcome to the boards.


Paying customers have a right to complain if they don't think something's being done right. It's like saying you're fed up of people complaining about the cutlery being dirty in a restaurant that people are queuing to enter.


If you don't understand why people are aggrieved then you don't really, imho, understand the concept of a gig. Seats restrict the ability to jump about and move freely even if you ARE stood up. So be quiet :)


(Directed at Burgandy...)


I see your point mate - however, you bought the tickets knowing it would be seatsed. You would have a right to complain if you bought tickets to stand and found you were greeted by a load of seats. It's like buying a ticket to a football match - you know you have to sit.


I've been to plenty of gigs to know the difference. I saw muse at Wembley Areans a few years ago and had to sit. I hated it, but I accepted it, simply because I chose to buy the ticket to sit after missing out on standing tickets.


You cant please everyone, that's life my friend.

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I completely agree with fix_you_trouble. people are complaining so much and it irritates me. I too will be going to my first concert on July 3rd and I am just thankful I can go at all. If you keep whining about it, youll ruin for everyone else so stop. If you have such a problem with sitting the whole time, dont go. Wait till a Live DVD comes out and watch it standing in your basement. Just please stop ruining it for everyone else, myself included.

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I see your point mate - however, you bought the tickets knowing it would be seatsed. You would have a right to complain if you bought tickets to stand and found you were greeted by a load of seats. It's like buying a ticket to a football match - you know you have to sit.


If I had known before the ticket page came up that they would be all-seating, I would have complained then, but I hardly had time to debate the issue when the knowledge the tickets would be sold out within the next 15 minutes was pressing on me.


The fact that I bought my ticket for seating only resulted from the time pressure. Surely people have the right to complain at some point about it: here, it was impossible to complain at the time because it was so important to get the tickets quickly.

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I agree with 'fix you trouble' as well. The number of threads there are about there being no standing tickets is ridiculous. There is nothing we can do about it, so we may as well accept that if you want to go to any of these concerts you'll have to sit. Anyway, the all seating policy obviously hasn't deterred people from buying tickets; the UK tour is practically sold out. :shocked2:

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I agree with 'fix you trouble' as well. The number of threads there are about there being no standing tickets is ridiculous. There is nothing we can do about it, so we may as well accept that if you want to go to any of these concerts you'll have to sit. Anyway, the all seating policy obviously hasn't deterred people from buying tickets; the UK tour is practically sold out. :shocked2:




"There is nothing we can do about it.": perhaps not, but definitely not if you take that attitude.

"Anyway, the all seating policy obviously hasn't deterred people.": *fails to see the significance of this point*

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Hello May 2008. Welcome to the boards.


Paying customers have a right to complain if they don't think something's being done right. It's like saying you're fed up of people complaining about the cutlery being dirty in a restaurant that people are queuing to enter.


If you don't understand why people are aggrieved then you don't really, imho, understand the concept of a gig. Seats restrict the ability to jump about and move freely even if you ARE stood up. So be quiet :)


(Directed at Burgandy...)


What a lovely, sarcastic welcome, do you greet all new members like this, or just those who dont agree with you.


Just because I'm new to this board, doesnt mean I didnt post on the official forum when it existed and doesnt mean i'm new to the band. .

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I see your point mate - however, you bought the tickets knowing it would be seatsed. You would have a right to complain if you bought tickets to stand and found you were greeted by a load of seats. It's like buying a ticket to a football match - you know you have to sit.


I've been to plenty of gigs to know the difference. I saw muse at Wembley Areans a few years ago and had to sit. I hated it, but I accepted it, simply because I chose to buy the ticket to sit after missing out on standing tickets.


You cant please everyone, that's life my friend.


People have a right to complain about the policy.

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coldplay are a band? correct

so therefore they should give their fans the choice to stand.

if we wanted to sit at a concert we would see girls aloud or whatever


I wouldn't go and see them even if I was allowed to be on stage with them!!:P

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I don't treat all new members like that at all: I treat in that manner the people that come here and within their first 10 posts are slagging off others/others' threads. So yes, in a way, you're special. Your opinion is worth just as much as everybody else's but I was a dick to you because you were a dick about something you didn't need to be.

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I see your point mate - however, you bought the tickets knowing it would be seatsed. You would have a right to complain if you bought tickets to stand and found you were greeted by a load of seats. It's like buying a ticket to a football match - you know you have to sit.



Yes - and the atmosphere has suffered greatly because of it, especially in the bigger stadia.;)

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