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10 things you wanna do before you die


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here is what i wanna do :


- learn piano

- see coldplay live

- meet Texas (the band)

- learn italian

- have children

- falling in love (for real)

- visit New Zealand

- play in a movie (even a small part)

- talk to Chris

- "i need to thing about this 10th thing !!!" lol

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-fall in love

-get married

-have kids

-get a fast car

-go to new zealand/australia at least once

-go to canada at least once

-do Route 66 from Chicago to LA :)

-work out my family tree as far back as i can, so i can see where i come from

-talk to my gran, my parents, learn things from them still (my dad can do so much handy stuff that i havent a clue, one day before its too late i want to learn)

-get a season ticket at Liverpool FC :)

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ooooh good topic idea :)

let' seeee..woah 3 of mailla's would be 3 of mine too :cool:


learn piano

small part in a movie or tv show, or be on MTV2Gonzo

fall in love (for real) ie give all my love to the right woman & have it reciprocated

have my writing published ie /write a book/screenplay

visit all the continents (antarctica would be a bit of a mission tho!)

design a title sequence for a film/do a music vid for a band

travel the pan american highways (Alaska to South America)

improve my Spanish & be fluent

see the rest of Europe that i havent

be remembered as one of the good ones, one of the mad ones yes, but one of the good ones :cool:

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visit all the countries i wish

fall in love

get kissed

get married

live in both ireland and france for at least a year

be a foreign exchange student of london

meet radiohead

have kids

read all of the bible.

change at least 10 peoples lives for the EXTREME better

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fall in love


meet coldplay


marry guy


have guys babies


live my life like im on number nine!


play my music in front of people


to talk my parents and try to mend fences


travel the world


get my own talk show!!


AND lets see....hmm...this is hard....and do things for me and no one else!!

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If you ever plan to motor west, take my way, the highway thats the best, you get your kicks on route 66.

Well it winds from Chicago to LA, more than 2000 miles all the way, get your kicks on route 66

Well it goes through St Louis, Joplin Missouri, Oklahoma City looks oh so pretty you'll see, Amarillo, Gallup New Mexico, Flagstaff Arizona, don't forget Winona, Kingman, Barstow, San Bernadino

Once you, get hip to this kinda tip, when you make your california trip, you get your kicks on route 66



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1. Travel the World

2. Read every book that I've ever wanted to

3. Speak several different languages

4. Pick up the guitar again

5. Improve my piano skills

6. learn the cello

7. become a "real" hermit for a week

8. get a cat

9. not give a shit about anything for a couple weeks

10.fall madly and crazily in love


Wow... that was harder then I thought it be.

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lemme see here.....


1. Backpack around the world

2. Be a writer for Q magazine

3. Be front row at a U2 concert

4. Play at Red Rocks with muh band.

5. Go on a game show [*not* a reality show, mind you.]

6. Meet "Mr. Right" or someone like him.

7. Take photos for Time or National Geographic

8. Open up a music store in my hometown

9. Own a vintage 1979 Fender Strat.

10. Become old, grey, and rightfully senile. :D


That's about reasonable.

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01. make out heavily with Conor Oberst

02. learn to surf

03. see every Dave Matthews show on the West Coast for at least one tour

04. write a book... a good one... and get it published

05. learn to play at least three instruments decently

06. make Chris Martin laugh, cos he always makes me laugh

07. learn Latin, just so I can go nyah :P and maybe Old English, just for fun

08. see a wolf in the wild (not the San Diego Zoo!)

09. visit South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Britain

10. fall stupid in love with a guy who will play Green Eyes for me and MEAN it

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See Coldplay live

Watch a EPL match between Liverpool & Man Utd

Meet Chris Martin in person

Meet Michael Owen in person

Meet Damien Duff in person

See The Calling live

Meet all the nice folks on the mb

Go to Norway

Watch a NBA game between Philadelphia 76ers & New Jersey Nets

Tell my family I love them

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1. Travel the World

2. Read every book that I've ever wanted to

3. Speak several different languages

4. Pick up the guitar again

5. Improve my piano skills

6. learn the cello

7. become a "real" hermit for a week

8. get a cat

9. not give a shit about anything for a couple weeks

10.fall madly and crazily in love


Wow... that was harder then I thought it be.


i've done #'s 7 & 9...7 is interesting, but only for a few months in a bedroom, cleansing optional :stunned: ....9 is overrated, sooner or later you find yourself giving a shit about something, believe me i've tried :rolleyes: :D

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i've done #'s 7 & 9...7 is interesting, but only for a few months in a bedroom, cleansing optional :stunned: ....9 is overrated, sooner or later you find yourself giving a shit about something, believe me i've tried :rolleyes: :D


yeah... most are those things won't happen. #9 is practically impossible, at least for me. :lol: Thats why I put it in the list. :lol:

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