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Going to Court after slipping on a French-fried


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A woman is suing a famous fast-food as she has slipped on a French-fried (a chip in English UK) and has damaged her knee while falling. She won't recover according to the doctor and she needs a walking stick to be able to walk. The woman has compounded her injury while falling off because of her weight which is very heavy. In fact, she's quite overweight. She's asked 100.000 ā‚¬ as damages. She may get the half. What an amazing story (which is genuine). I could hear this story at the news a few days ago.

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During the gap between songs the band were talking about the upcoming elections, one of the band members said "what has McCain ever done for us", and an audience member shouted out "makes good chips"



I agree with you, chips are healther grilled or in the oven. They are the only way i eat them. In Holland, chips are delicious too. They're not fat at all. They put curry or paprika sauce on them.:P

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Actually, it's Quick. I might have happened at another fast-food. Henceforth I pay attention to where i walk. However, when you walk in some suburbs nearby Paris, you would see all the dogs shit on the pavement. It's incredible. The pavement is washed once a week or so but it's not enough, it should be done every two days not less.:confused: You can imaging when there is a light shortage after dark. It may happen. I'm not joking.

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Actually, it's Quick. I might have happened at another fast-food. Henceforth I pay attention to where i walk. However, when you walk in some suburbs nearby Paris, you would see all the dogs shit on the pavement. It's incredible. The pavement is washed once a week or so but it's not enough, it should be done every two days not less.:confused: You can imaging when there is a light shortage after dark. It may happen. I'm not joking.


So then the city would be "in the sh1t"??:rolleyes:

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No, not the whole city, fortunately, but only the area where the light is off, say four or five streets, and in that case the traffic-lights don't work either. It's quite hazardous for the traffic. We can indeed say we're in the shit.



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