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'Famous Old Painters' = 'Famous OIL Painters'

dominic spez

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anyone else think that's what it's actually called? for no reason at all, everyone's been calling 'Famous Old Painters'... but in the original tracklisting of LP4, the title definitely looks more like 'Famous OIL Painters'





definitely looks more like a lower case "i" and then a lower case "l" instead of a lower case "d." otherwise, the "l" and the "d" would be the same height. and the "d" would have a loop.


see? now can we all stop calling it 'Famous Old Painters'? OIL Painters makes MUCH more sense anyway. it actually makes it sound much more sophisticated as well.

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but there was some picture of Chris's piano with a bunch of songs listed, and it was clearly Famous OLD Painters. Plus Prospekt has written about it as Famous OLD Painters. Plus they had their website designed as Famous NEW Painters once, new makes a lot more sense relating to OLD than to OIL.

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lol, I thought exactly that when I looked at that image today.

Think it's just poorly compressed. It's clearly "OLD" in this image here:



Plus the "Famous 'New' Painters" thing on that secret Coldplay site thing, and so on...

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