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Coldplay on Radio 1


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oooh, yes, meet up thread :P


but perhaps not until tickets are bought...and this thing IS pretty much a year away :lol:. i'm getting too excited now, before tickets are even secured, and this thing is soooooo far in the future :dead:.


my 5-hour car drive seemed like nothing because i was thinking about coldplay in london. god, i'm a tool :P

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Wow, this interview is ridiculous... He is not allowed to do interviews sober anymore, these drunk ones are too great! :P


I'm wayyyyyyyy too jealous of you guys who get to go to these concerts, especially in London- London and Coldplay, my two favorite things, and I'll miss it :bigcry:


Chelsea, when I first heard that the gigs were in September, I thought "Chelsea can go!" :dance:

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awwww, thanks zoe! :nice:


let's just hope there are tickets in the future for me. i'll get them by hook or by crook, though--it's just a matter of when :P. i'd rather know NOW that we're in rather than in like, august, when i'll have a million other things going on and will be too busy moving my life to another country to look for coldplay tickets online :sad:

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Well I'm sure there are enough people here who will be willing to help you out, right?


I'm just wishing and praying that they come back here in between Australia and the stadium shows. Of course I'm not too hopeful, they've been in the US a ton this tour... But I can still dream!


PS- Aw, Chris said the AMAs were bad :cry: I hope he meant the lack of awards and not their performance, but seeing as this is Chris talking... :rolleyes:

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