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I Wish Life Could Be As Simple As Fish Swimming Round In A Barrel...


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But alas, it can't be, but no worries!... I bet a lot of people are going 'WAY!' HO!', What the hell is this guy doing?, Well I'll tell you what I am doing, I am saying bye! (For now), I will not be on Coldplaying as often as I would like now, I have got so much stuff to do, I am performing in a professional production of Joseph next week and I have got tons of coursework to do, rehearsing for three plays I am doing, and doing normal homework, working, and trying to fit a social life into my busy schedule :P, I Am just gonna say how much I love Coldplaying and everyone here, from my first posts in the Coldplay section about how I was waiting for Viva La Vida to my latest posts complaining about my dad! I have had lots of fun on here, and I would just like to thank everyone who has been kind to me and apologise to anyone I have upset at all, I have made some great friends on here which, before I joined Coldplaying, thought wouldn't be very possible online!, but Coldplaying is different, I get to talk to people who love the best band in the world with me!, It's great and I am eternally greatfull to everyones help and kind words to me and for making me laugh, and think, and even to get angry!, I would like to say a special thanks to a few people:

JD, When I first joined you were one of the first people to start to talk to me and get me going in the world of Coldplaying!

Ale, You also helped me in the start and I am so happy you won sexiest poster :D

Christa, you have been like a mum to me! :D

Lore, You are just so kind, no wonder you won Friendliest Poster,

James, such a cool guy to talk to (and wind up! :P),

Mark, he has helped me alot as well and is always kind!,

Jake, woo, My music man, gives me all the leaks and music i want ;)

Daniel, you've been ace to me recently, thanks!

AND THERE IS LOADS MORE!, You know who you are!, And I would also like to thank everyone who voted for me for Best Newcomer which got me second place and even the people who voted me for biggest moaner/trouble maker!,


I hope the threads I have made have also been good and enlightend your lives a little bit, haha!, I contributed reguarlary to the News and Sport sections with 'Odd' news which I know alot of people have enjoyed!, My 'Dr DeathAndAllHisFriends Clinic' was also very popular in my early days! :P, and threads such my game friends which includes the still popular 'Is It On Your iPod? Game', and theres also my threads where I moan, and I am sorry if that has annoyed anyone ;), I have tried to be nice to everyone and would call myself a nice person, and I would also want to sincerly apologise to David Watts who seemed to think I didn't like him and I can tell you that is completely wrong and I am deeply sorry if you felt that way!


You are all great, again, thank you, I still will be on but maybe not as often, I will be on a few times a week and possibly fit in a brief appearence on most nights, but this weekend I am jampacked with rehearsals and trips with my mates!


Again, thank you for making me feel welcome on this amazing forum,


Your pal,



p.s., Just a word from my friend Chris,


"Coldplay is for people with great taste, intelligence, incredible good lookingness, talent, ability, success, grabbing of life. Coldplay's for people who know what life's about. They're always entertaining. Delightful to talk to. Sweet, charming, incredibly good in bed. Virile. They have incredible success with girls, or boys, or both. They're generally just the world's best citizens. Maybe I'm biased, but I'm definitely right."

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awww Simon.. I wish you the best... hope to see you back soon and good luck :nice:


Haha!, Thank you! :D


I'm sure luck is coming! :lol:


*sending good vibes*


:) :P :D :happy: :nice:




yeah you were. I was kinda bored and you started telling me about this place. you were so nice to me...the nOOb:D


Oh yeah!, It was no problem, I hate the word nOOb btw and I would NEVER call anyone that! ;)

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AHHHH!, Guys, thanks for the kind words but I am still here ;), I Just won't be here as often ;), Especially next week you will hardly see me at all! :P, SO DON'T WORRY!, If you wanna send me a PM at anytime, I will reply, don't worry ;), I've just got loads of work and plays and things ;)

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