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This Year in Short!

Glossal Fragster

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January, not much happened. February, not much happened. In March, I went to a Gogol Bordello concert. Best thing ever. In April, not much happened. In May, I made the color guard and signed away my summer to band. June, school ended. July, endured back-to-back camps, first guard, then band. For the rest of that month, I had morning soccer practices and then band practice right after. In August, I became so ill that I was admitted to the hospital and missed a lot of drill at band practice. Also, my conditioning from soccer died and I was waaaay behind in practices, so I missed the first three games. Had my first band competition, we won best color guard. School started. September, I decided I was absolutely infatuated with a trumpet player. October, nothing really happened. November, school football team went to play-offs, the band got to travel to Morgantown with them twice, it was awesome. I told that trumpet player that I liked him. December, I have many reasons to believe that this trumpet player does not not like me. =P



So this year sounds lame, but band really made it the best ever. xD


Last year, I didn't really have friends or anything. Now I find myself surrounded by the best, most loyal people I could ever find. Even though this is a pretty lame little snippet of this year, a lot of important things happened. I realized a lot about myself and other people...this year has been pretty awesome.

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wow...I really don't remember anything amazing that happened this year.

Just that my sis from Sweden came to visit me and my fam. over the summer.


Hopefully in '09 i'll go to a Coldplay concert in Stockholm sometime in the summer.

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Well, for me, I finish the year having been to Ireland for the first time, seen Coldplay live for the first time, finally got a new car, still searched and failed to get a new job, battled depression, lost a few friends - made none, successfully finding skin products to help my sensitive skin and erm... thats it really!!!

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haha, hey, James, post a pic of your scars, i bet I have more than you! :P, I'll post mine tomorrow! :P


well my back one covers my whole back :lol: but i aint posting a pic..i wouldnt want to let the world see that :lol:


if my op. went wrong i would've lost use of my legs forever :( thank god i didnt! :dance:

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this year... well, i published a blog where me and my classmates (specially me:cool:) insulted all the teachers of my school... very strange days


on the good side, i discovered coldplay music in august and i started playing the guitar some months later. i don't go to classes, but i'm improving!:dance:


its been a lonely year for me, i ended a relationship in january, been many months without any girl to fall in love with, then in late summer i met my girlfriend, and we're still going out (altough im quite doubtful these days):\


probably many more things have happened, but i dont remember now. and now, now im sick!:cry:

merry christmas everybody!

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This year was one of the best years for me


I got to see Coldplay at Pemberton, I learned how to play the guitar and flute, I got my first present from a student after 4 years of teaching at the same school. :P :D


Umm, yesterday a couple of my colleagues and I performed infront of the school during our Christmas assembly. That was the highlight of my week!


Oh yeah, and I got married in August :P

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This year was one of the best years for me


I got to see Coldplay at Pemberton, I learned how to play the guitar and flute, I got my first present from a student after 4 years of teaching at the same school. :P :D


So what was it??:rolleyes:


Umm, yesterday a couple of my colleagues and I performed infront of the school during our Christmas assembly. That was the highlight of my week!


So where's the vid??:rolleyes:


Oh yeah, and I got married in August :P


Was that the least important event of the year, then?:P

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So what was it??:rolleyes:




So where's the vid??:rolleyes:




Was that the least important event of the year, then?:P


It was a box of chocolates and a card.


I didn't take a video with my camera but I'm sure my sister in law did so I might post it but I probably won't :P


And no, it wasn't the least important :P

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It was a box of chocolates and a card.


Were the chocolates filled with mustard or something?:rolleyes:


I didn't take a video with my camera but I'm sure my sister in law did so I might post it but I probably won't :P


Well now you must.;)


And no, it wasn't the least important :P


Second least important?:P

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