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This Year in Short!

Glossal Fragster

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well my back one covers my whole back :lol: but i aint posting a pic..i wouldnt want to let the world see that :lol:


if my op. went wrong i would've lost use of my legs forever :( thank god i didnt! :dance:


AHH!, That would of been possible and there is always the chance that you never wake up from the anesthetic...(is that how you spell it?), I had to have three operations and i had one when i was a baby!

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AHH!, That would of been possible and there is always the chance that you never wake up from the anesthetic...(is that how you spell it?), I had to have three operations and i had one when i was a baby!


I've had like 7 operations..im very unlucky :lol:


nah i was always gonan wake up ;) its just because my whole spine got moved and obviously your spine is connected to the rest of your body..I've got two metal rods holding my back together now which have to stay their forever now :\


I hate my life :lol:

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I've had like 7 operations..im very unlucky :lol:


nah i was always gonan wake up ;) its just because my whole spine got moved and obviously your spine is connected to the rest of your body..I've got two metal rods holding my back together now which have to stay their forever now :\


I hate my life :lol:


ahh!, god I feel bad for you....

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my year in short:


-grew out of a long time crush. finally.

-bought viva la vida!

-did terribly on my finals.

-went to a couple phillies games.

-went to assateague island.


-almost broke my foot.

-reconciled with someone i wasn't talking to.

-lost friends, gladly.

-gained friends.


-bought prospekt's march!


and, that's really it. :D

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