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Presale For NC shows? Not showing up?

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To me it seemed as if ticketrush does not actually sell the tickets. You have to go to livenation click on the pre-sale button that appears on the page that coldplay.com linked to. Once on that page, you have to find the promotion box near the bottom on the screen, select "Ticketrush - February" then a box appear where you can enter the promotional code of the month. From there you can select tickets etc.

Hope this helps!

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i got it to work, it's odd. tickets that i had in my box and had a tough time buying right at 10:00 were still available at 11:45. i got better seats at 10:30 than i would have at 10:00. plus, no front sections, booooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was praying for those.

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