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The question of the day


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We're probably done for, but as long as we're here, it's what's in our hearts, and what we give to others that makes it a beautiful world.:)


Oxfam? Are you reading? I could use a job writing your adverts.;) (Yeah, it does sound a bit cheesy, but I believe it.)

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There are some aspects of the world which aren't beautiful at all. However, I feel that as long as there are things and people that show that there are some things beautiful within the world, we may not quite be done for.

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It's what you make of it. If you keep up some optimism and hope for the best, the world will be seen as a beautiful place. Yes, there are some bad parts to it and there are some things that suck, but if you look past it you can find a couple of great things.

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What's the purpose of this life anyway? who cares if you're happy or sad, in the end we'll be all be dead.


When you think of this, things might get a little depressing, since there's no rational answer for the question and then our lifes just look so... unimportant... we're just part of this tiny blue dot in the space we call our home earth! So damn insignificant.


But I decide to make my life just like the journey for the answer of this question. And yes life's just as how you see it! I try to always look at the good sides of life despite the little bad ones and then I realise that I'm very fortunated just for being who I am... even though I might not know what is my life for, if there's even a purpose for it, if I'll ever be useful for the world or anybody... All I can do is try, try... ~lalala

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Will we all be dead, or are we ever dead? Our life is a collection of millions of tiny cells, each one working together for the benefit of the whole. Then one cell from each finds another, and on goes the human species. So too, all our thoughts, our interactions, trends, ideas, and collective efforts lead to advancing human understanding; a continuum of thought and action throughout time and space here on the planet - our collective works reverberate and grow with time. The love we give goes on and resonates on, and one action can spark another - the conditions we're in often determine how we feel, and the interactions can spread those feelings and ideas throughout. Or in isolation, we may feel one way, and the rest of humanity has another spirit altogether. So set up good vibrations, and the resonant frequency you're on will spill over, and return to you the beautiful world you want to see.

Do we live in a beautiful world? Of course we do! But on the local scale, the garden needs tending to, and the truth can only set you free..

Cold hearted orb that rules the night, steals the colors from our sight; red is gray and yellow white, but we decide which is right. And which is an illusion?

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@ chuck: I agree with what you said! but... where's the "myself" going into all this? I might feel lost in millions and millions of people, thoughts, trends, ideas! so... But where do you find yourself? and what makes you unique? a visible unity different from the rest?


I know that maybe the conscience of "oneself" could be just an illusion but... somehow I refuse myself to think that I could only make sense as a person-mind in a group of millions others. :blank:

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Dunno if what I said makes some sense... But I would like to bring this quote of Albert Einstein.


"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us "universe", a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... A kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

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There's always shifts in the mood of the globe - I think we're moving onto better waveforms in general, but that might not always be the case in every location. With every mistake, surly we must be learning... We are the people we've been waiting for! & Be the change you wish to see - the ripple effect travels far if you keep the wave motion going..

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@ chuck: I agree with what you said! but... where's the "myself" going into all this? I might feel lost in millions and millions of people, thoughts, trends, ideas! so... But where do you find yourself? and what makes you unique? a visible unity different from the rest?



Where's the "myself" going into all this? I was thinking in philosophical mode, in broad generalities... We all find a place where we fit best, after searching for that place, or wandering into it more naturally. It's often already established but seemingly invisible, as human society creates the need for certain wavelengths of thought and action. It's a matter of personality type, patterning after parents and peers, training, krausening one's abilities, and finding a good fit into the fabric.

Where do I find myself? I am a creative tinkerer, and odd jobber on the practical, but I dream of solutions to problems, and search for the underlying principals driving things, seeking truth in accurate models. What makes me unique? Original creative thoughts, meshed with existing patterns of thought. We are all unique, actually! But my uniqueness is with a type of thoughtful non-conformity of sorts; I try to tie things together in my mind, and form a more cohesive understanding of the interconnectedness of things. As far as visible unity different from the rest, I generally look plain, but I don't think plain thoughts. I find we spend too much energy on looking this or that, and it's all just tail feathers; fine for occasion, but it's the conformists who try so hard to fit in; I just am as I am!

Where do you find yourself?

I know that maybe the conscience of "oneself" could be just an illusion but... somehow I refuse myself to think that I could only make sense as a person-mind in a group of millions others. :blank:


We are in space and time having our own conscious as well as an interacting conscious, and to function, we just keep going without the full thought of whether we're in one state or another. From an information standpoint, think of all the neural networks, the sounds and lights and pressures and temperatures that affect communications, and the other fellow travelers, both human an nonhuman, which we communicate with or affect as we travel the continuum. Some ideas are arrived at on a purely individual basis, others through interactions, and even the echo of thoughts from the long-ago past can change the patterns of thought at the present. The individual as an island, and the individual as a collective can be at times all one, or all the other, or both - depending on the circumstances. And culture has a large part to do with how much of each we are, and at what times.:)

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