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VICKY! My mother wanted me to buy those exact blue bubble cutlery when we were there today but I decided for the plain metal cutlery! I really like it though, and I got some blue ceramic plates today there :) Last year we renovated the kitchen in all IKEA and we have loads of stuff from there, but like you said the quality is not so good.

My uncle thinks that we are one of those Swedish families in the IKEA catelogue because we have so much stuff from there, lol.


YAY!!! Your mum's got good taste! And good sense not to buy the blue bubbles - we still have six of everything, but only 3 knives because the others broke cutting cheese!! We have loads of stuff from there, though - little cupboards and shelves and duvet covers (they're very good) and seat pads for the chairs. We just kitted out a room with the Pax range of wardrobes and couldn't get the last 3 drawers for MONTHS cos they were always out of stock. But would you believe it an old, old friend who now lives in the States came to visit, and he just HAPPENS to work for IKEA at a high level, so he pulled some strings and got me the drawers!!! Thank you Jon!!! :smug:


But I struggle with the fabric and have just been seduced by a £5 price tag into buying some of the 'boats' curtains, but I'm not going to use them because they crease so much. ANYONE WANNA BUY SOME BOATS CURTAINS? :D


I want connections to people who work at Ikea! I bet the Ikea in Sweden is amazing!

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