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Learn Assorted Languages With Assorted Coldplayers


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Olkaa hyvää. :smiley:


I looked them up on a website, and knew some of those from before. I also know how to say I'll kick your arse, but I'm not too sure how to write it. It's probably "mä vedän sua turpaan." :D

hyvä :D



btw why if ja means and.... to ask "what about you/ and you" we say entä sinulle? :thinking:


so reviewing:


minä olen Ari, olen spanjalainen; puhun espanjaa, englantia, ranskaa ja portugalia.

(i'm ari, i'm spanish, i speak spanish, english, french and portuguese).

(should i add here finnish, or not yet? :rolleyes: )



today is... Tänään on sunnuntai.

tomorrow will be... Huomenna on maanantaiona. (?)

yesterday was... Eilen lauantaina.


crest hän puhuu englantia ja portugalia.

nina han puhuu englanta, (slovene?) ja ranskaa.


you're welcome:nice:

i wrote it above;)

grazie. :nice:

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it's ok, it's good you want to learn!


(letters with dots bolded)


drink = juoda

eat = syoda

cook = keitaa

like = pitaa

to have = taytya


hope I'm right....

kiitos. :nice:


juoda, syöda 2nd type then....


minä juoden - syöden

sinä juodet - syödet

hän juodee ? or juodon? - syödee / syödon

me juodemme - syödemme

te juodette - syödette

he joudevät - syödevät


so keitää, pitää and täytyä be in which group type? (1,2,3,4,5,6)




minä juoden kahvi ja maito. (i drink coffee and milk)

minä syöden liha, muna, juusto ja makkara. (i eat meat, eggs, cheese and sausages).


in a cup of / in a glass of ? :scholar:

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btw why if ja means and.... to ask "what about you/ and you" we say entä sinulle? :thinking:
Because it's another language and not every languages have exactly the same phrases?


so reviewing:


minä olen Ari, olen spanjalainen; puhun espanjaa, englantia, ranskaa ja portugalia.

(i'm ari, i'm spanish, i speak spanish, english, french and portuguese).

(should i add here finnish, or not yet? :rolleyes: )

olen espanjalainen. ;)

I think you should add finnish, too. So the sentence would probably be:

Minä olen Ari, olen espanjalainen, puhun espanjaa, englantia, ranskaa, portugalia ja suomea.


today is... Tänään on sunnuntai.

tomorrow will be... Huomenna on maanantaiona. (?)

yesterday was... Eilen lauantaina.

Google translator says it should be just maanantai.


maanantaina means "on Monday". So you add -na suffix to say "on __day".










crest hän puhuu englantia ja portugalia.

nina han puhuu englanta, (slovene?) ja ranskaa.

You don't use hän here; only the verb. ;)


slovene = slovenia

She speaks slovene. = Hän puhuu sloveniaa.

Nina speaks slovene. = Nina puhuu sloveniaa.


ok :nice:

kuppi = cup

kahvi = coffee

lasi = glass

maito = milk

liha = meat

muna = egg

juusto = cheese

makkara = sausage



Cool, thanks for that! :D Kiitos!


juoda, syöda 2nd type then....
Yeah, but the stem for juoda is juo and for syöda is syö, so the forms are:


minä juon - syön

sinä juot - syöt

hän juo - syö

me juomme - syömme

te juotte - syötte

he jouvät - syövät


Keitää, pitää and täytyä are in first group of verbs, I think.



minä juoden kahvi ja maito. (i drink coffee and milk)

minä syöden liha, muna, juusto ja makkara. (i eat meat, eggs, cheese and sausages).


in a cup of / in a glass of ? :scholar:

Don't know.... Crests, do you know it?
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Because it's another language and not every languages have exactly the same phrases?


olen espanjalainen. ;)

I think you should add finnish, too. So the sentence would probably be:

Minä olen Ari, olen espanjalainen, puhun espanjaa, englantia, ranskaa, portugalia ja suomea.



Google translator says it should be just maanantai.


maanantaina means "on Monday". So you add -na suffix to say "on __day".










You don't use hän here; only the verb. ;)


slovene = slovenia

She speaks slovene. = Hän puhuu sloveniaa.

Nina speaks slovene. = Nina puhuu sloveniaa.


Cool, thanks for that! :D Kiitos!


Yeah, but the stem for juoda is juo and for syöda is syö, so the forms are:


minä juon - syön

sinä juot - syöt

hän juo - syö

me juomme - syömme

te juotte - syötte

he jouvät - syövät


Keitää, pitää and täytyä are in first group of verbs, I think.



Don't know.... Crests, do you know it?

surely is that, must be like a set phrase. :)


:blush: so i speak finnish already? yet there's a lot to learn.


ah kiitos, i was not sure if i would be right.


oh i didn't knew well which was the stem.


btw there's a way i can know to which verb type a verb belongs? (that is correct in english (?) :huh: )

and so how to know the stem?


kiitos ruova nina. :nice:

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I can't figure out in a cup of or glass of.

I could ask someone.

I really hope Ella will reply to my FB status :D


surely is that, must be like a set phrase. :)


:blush: so i speak finnish already? yet there's a lot to learn.


ah kiitos, i was not sure if i would be right.


oh i didn't knew well which was the stem.


btw there's a way i can know to which verb type a verb belongs? (that is correct in english (?) :huh: )

and so how to know the stem?


kiitos ruova nina. :nice:

You do! :cheesy: I know there's tons of stuff to learn, I can't grasp these cases for nouns. Like... I don't know which case each verb requires.... :huh:


I'm not sure how to know which verb type a very belongs to, but I'll check, ok?

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