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The Empirical Evidence Against Big Government

Matter-Eater Lad

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lol well I agree with his slide about all the necessary things that drive economic growth (like a stable currency, security, law enforcement, etc).


The question for me is how to install these things in a society via market mechanisms. In order for an anarchy to work these services should all "appear" at nearly the same time, which makes the odds unlikely.


A privatization of government is the most likely route to anarchism, I would think. But I'm only guessing, I might be wrong... maybe anarchy could rise from the ashes of a collapsed first-world democracy.

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lol well I agree with his slide about all the necessary things that drive economic growth (like a stable currency, security, law enforcement, etc).


The question for me is how to install these things in a society via market mechanisms. In order for an anarchy to work these services should all "appear" at nearly the same time, which makes the odds unlikely.


A privatization of government is the most likely route to anarchism, I would think. But I'm only guessing, I might be wrong... maybe anarchy could rise from the ashes of a collapsed first-world democracy.


I'm afraid that "vacuum effect" would occur in which the new government just comes right in and takes the place of the old one. (With promises of ruling better of course :rolleyes:)

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The question is whether it could establish legitimacy. Governments, in order to gain trust, must have the "letterhead", the "brand", the "Charisma" thang going on. It's why you get a bunch of elites like Jefferson, Washington, etc starting governments in their spare time, while they're not inventing things and growing tobacco/weed on their plantations and chilling with the French aristocracy.


If you establish brands for the services, people trust them, and use them. I should write a book on how to start an anarchy, this could make for a good movie/series. I'll need some hot teen love triangles to really make it fly off shelves, though. Robert Pattinson could be the CEO of the garbage collection company.

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I'm gonna agree with Josh, it has to be a slow movement. A collapse would just cause people to say "we need government to protect us more".


A bowel movement, if you will. You don't want explosive diarrhea, but at the same time you can't have it too slow or you'll get constipated.

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Josh: Tell your mom to subsidize Nick and Jay's trip to the Mises lecture, please. I give her foot massages.


I like the way you think!


I really want to go, its on a saturday, but I have to buy a suit for my campaign, pay 70 dollars on the 28th to my credit card. I'm only getting about 500 a month from work and I need to buy more dress clothes too.

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