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Jade and Lily's thread : if you're bored come say "hello"


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Yeah I do that to. I can't revise without a song in my head. Sometimes it helps tho ! :D


Don't worry, I'm fine, I just want to see him, in a month actually so it's gonna happen fast. :cheesy:

true that, sometimes help, but not during an exam me think.


Hello :D

I'm back from Paris when I saw Muse saturday night :dance:

I'm glad to come back on the web :)


Jade, oh for your dong :'


I can't also revise without music, sometimes it helps me with my dissertations, especially when I was in high-school with the philosophy :p


I hope you're fine today :)

yay for Muse. first time you saw them?

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In french yeah I do but it's impossible to put cuisses in a pizza ! :lol:


No it isn't! I found a recipe just the other week! I even posted it in the "French" thread!:P


Frogs' legs pizza introduced at London restaurant



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By Hannah Wood, Mirror.co.uk 16/10/2008


A restaurant chain has introduced Britain’s first ever frogs’ legs pizza.

The ‘Hopper Pizza’ is topped with between six and eight legs on a traditional tomato and mozzarella base with capers, fresh herbs and a scoop of anchovy sorbet.

It’s been launched by London chain Eco for £17.95 but has got animal rights campaigners hopping mad.

A spokewoman for Animal Aid said: “Whatever reassurances might be offered by those involved, frogs are treated in a sickening and barbaric manner so that this restaurant can serve up a so-called delicacy of frogs’ legs pizza.”

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The controversial Hopper is available at Eco’s two restaurants in Clapham and Chiswick, London.

Chef Sami Wasif said: “I've been making pizza for more than 20 years in London and know this is a city that is always looking for something new.

“Most people see pizza as a quick meal but this is something a little more refined.

“You need a finger bowl and must take time over the legs - not shovel the whole pizza into your mouth.

“Pizza is one of those things that you can experiment with. Who knows I might try one with snails on it next.”

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