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Space Cadet

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So I was playing Commander Keen 6 (one of the best games ever...) to test out the new copy of Dosbox I just downloaded. The obligatory exit screen gave the usual old 'check out our other stuff' spiel.


Except there wasn't a website to go to. There wasn't even an email address. There was a mailing address and a phone number. It was the most recent Keen game and the internet wasn't even really a 'thing' by that point yet.


I'm scared and my head is broken. How the hooey did I spend so many hours nearly every day on the computer for so many years without internet? What the hooey was I doing? :wreck: What's the point of computers that can't talk to each other?


How did we survive? :uhoh:

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So I was playing Commander Keen 6 (one of the best games ever...) to test out the new copy of Dosbox I just downloaded. The obligatory exit screen gave the usual old 'check out our other stuff' spiel.


Except there wasn't a website to go to. There wasn't even an email address. There was a mailing address and a phone number. It was the most recent Keen game and the internet wasn't even really a 'thing' by that point yet.


Well, that was the only way to contact the company!


We did it with awesome games, that's how we did it.

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I did always reach a stage where I couldn't continue though....I am not sure if that was my fault or if that was the game's fault...it might just have been a demo version haha...:wacky:


I'd loooooove to play California games, Summer games and winter games again....my sister had a C64 it was so cool....I don't care about super duper high quality games nowadays I just want those games back

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