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Do you tend to befriend losers?

Gitta Rensolo

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Just because you feel sorry for them? Or do you think you are too cool for losers? Or is it just that you are a loser yourself and that's why you only befriend other losers anyways or people who are no losers, who befriend losers, because they feel sorry for them (you)?


I think I certainly don't. why shall I make friends with somebody I don't like?


I'm not a loser (I used to be), I'm not too cool for anyone (well, yeah I am haha:freak:) and I don't want to befriend people I feel sorry for just because I feel sorry for them.

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I'm a loser by everyone in my life. and nobody wants to be friends with me.

but in my head, I tell myself. there are only humanoids who seeks perfection, the greatest . it's complicated and annoying people

No thanks .

accepting our differences our characters, and weakness it's so difficult ?

I am often alone in life, but for some reason, I do not need their kind of losers.

have nothing to learn from them.

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real world:

depends what you consider loser, when at school and high school i was friend with what others considered 'losers', mostly people from some minoritary ethnic group, or people that for some superficial reason the rest of the class considered uncool to talk to.

but i never sticked with the same group of friends in school, as my teacher said i was very independant and i moved to talk with very different people all the time.


last years of high school it changed, i was less sociable, and i was more selective with some people that came around me, if they could cause trouble in some way i quitted their friendship soon, as one of the girls that always had to make annoying racist comments whenever a foreign crossed the street :facepalm:


virtual world, i can't say cause i don't know all them in person.

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I'm a loser by everyone in my life. and nobody wants to be friends with me.

but in my head, I tell myself. there are only humanoids who seeks perfection, the greatest . it's complicated and annoying people

No thanks .

accepting our differences our characters, and weakness it's so difficult ?

I am often alone in life, but for some reason, I do not need their kind of losers.

have nothing to learn from them.


Have you ever considered moving away?



To answer the question. I wasn't very popular as a kid. I lived in a small village and I didn't have a lot in common with the people I went to school with but there was no one else. I felt a bit lonely and I was bullied in Secondary School because I wasn't one of the 'cool kids' who never bothered to do any work for school and got drunk and stole from shops instead. Things got a lot better when I went to a different school to do my A Levels. I made some good friends and I no longer dreaded going to school.


I try not to categorise people. I think I'm way to old for that anyway. There is so many people on my course that there isn't really a group of losers and a group of cool kids. There's just different groups of friends. There's obviously people who find it hard to make friends at uni or work but I don't think they get bullied most of the time. There's also a lot of staff nights out etc. that should make it easier to make friends.


Anyway I'm probably not the one who befriends people who sit on their own. Mainly because I'm very shy so I wouldn't really start a conversation with someone I don't know. If I get to know them and we get on well, it certainly wouldn't bother me if they haven't got a lot of friends though.

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Have you ever considered moving away?



To answer the question. I wasn't very popular as a kid. I lived in a small village and I didn't have a lot in common with the people I went to school with but there was no one else. I felt a bit lonely and I was bullied in Secondary School because I wasn't one of the 'cool kids' who never bothered to do any work for school and got drunk and stole from shops instead. Things got a lot better when I went to a different school to do my A Levels. I made some good friends and I no longer dreaded going to school.


I try not to categorise people. I think I'm way to old for that anyway. There is so many people on my course that there isn't really a group of losers and a group of cool kids. There's just different groups of friends. There's obviously people who find it hard to make friends at uni or work but I don't think they get bullied most of the time. There's also a lot of staff nights out etc. that should make it easier to make friends.


Anyway I'm probably not the one who befriends people who sit on their own. Mainly because I'm very shy so I wouldn't really start a conversation with someone I don't know. If I get to know them and we get on well, it certainly wouldn't bother me if they haven't got a lot of friends though.


Excellent post, Sally.:cool:

Welcome back, by the way.;)

IMO, "losers" are those who label other people as such.;)

Furthermore, "coolness" is totally subjective. It doesn't really have any relevance.

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Furthermore, "coolness" is totally subjective. It doesn't really have any relevance.




Most of the 'cool kids' from my school probably wish they had worked harder now. I guess I would have gone to go to the class reunion last year, if I didn't live in a different country. it would have been interesting to find out what they our doing now.

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No, some people are losers. I know it's subjective, but if you try and make friends with people you have nothing in common with, you haven't got a clue that you have no means of socialising with them or connecting with them then you're a loser. There are people who obviously suck at life, there is no denying it. I'll still keep befriending them though. Out of sympathy.


I befriend them because I feel sorry for them. And then I regret doing it. And then I can't shake them off. And then people avoid me because I have the loser tagging along. When I first started College I was playing cards with a bunch of people and I saw a guy at the side on his own watching and looking sad. He was about 18 stone, looked quite a lot like donkey kong and had a dragon t-shirt. I'm not being cruel, this is an accurate description and I'm not making fun of him by saying this, it's just what he looks like. Anyway he was so fucking happy when I asked him, it was the third day and I'm pretty sure he was the only person who hadn't made a single friend. It became clear that we had nothing in common and he was a psychopath (one day when we were playing cards he got beat so picked up a chair and threw it through the ceiling and stormed out). It took me a year and a half to get rid of him and when I finally did he sat on the table next to me all the time watching me.


It's all well and good saying we are all losers, or saying it's subjective whether someone is a loser or not, but if you put yourself in a position which you clearly don't belong and you are at the bottom of the pecking order in that chain then you are a loser. He didn't have to be a loser, he could have hung out with like minded people, which he actually started doing towards the end of college but he didn't.

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