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The scariest thing just happened to me...

an angel

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I was driving up a hill, and since a stoplight was approaching and I was going a little too fast, I tried to slow down. But I noticed that as soon as I took my foot off the accelerator, I was still increasing in speed, and pressing on the brakes wasn't slowing it down much.


My accelerator was stuck.


I didn't know what to do; I didn't have my cell phone with me so I couldn't call 911 or whoever it is you're supposed to call when your accelerator sticks. I held down on the brakes, tried putting my car in park, and when that didn't work, I tried using the emergency brakes, which did absolutely nothing. I began to panic a bit.


As I was getting closer and closer to the stoplight, I decided to pull into a gas station at the top of the hill at the last second. Since it had started slowing down a bit after having gone uphill with my foot on the brakes, I thought I might be able to stop it completely if I put it into park after pulling in, and could go inside to get help or something. But when I pulled in, the car wasn't slowing down sufficiently and I had to think of something quickly before I ran into the fence on the other side. I tried putting my car in park once again, with my foot still on the brakes, and it made that loud "VROOOM" sound that you hear whenever you try to accelerate while in park. After maybe 10 seconds of this, the VROOOMING finally stopped and my car stopped moving, the accelerator now unstuck.


Then I left and continued driving home, shaken, trying my best not to step on the accelerator too hard because I didn't want it to stick again.


When I got home and told my dad what had happened, my brother said that the same thing happened to both my uncle and my grandma a few weeks ago when he was with them, with the same car (this was my uncle's car, he just gave it to me recently). I wish I had known it had this problem, fuck, I was so afraid that I was going to get in a wreck and die. :disappointed:


I dunno if I want to drive that car anymore.

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I would not drive it except I kind of need it, I don't like being car-less. :sad: I'll just try to be more careful.


Now I see why my grandma told me it's not safe to drive it on a busy highway... Luckily there were no other cars around when this happened. :/

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Killer Cars :P



...glad to hear you're alright. That's got to be quite scary. You did you all the things you should've done in trying to use the emergency brake and all. If worse came to worst I would've maybe use a guardrail or something on the side of the road to stop the car.


I would definitely get that car fixed. I'm surprised that if it happened to other members of your family that it wouldn't be fixed immediately.

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Yeah, getting it fixed would be the smart thing to do. I'll try to do that as soon as I can.


Thanks guys. :hug:


No, there isn't one Ly. Maybe if my dad gets his van fixed I could have my old car back, which he took from me because he was too cheap to get the van fixed. My uncle actually gave my current car to him so I could have my old one back, but my dad let me have it instead because it was nicer than my old one. I mean, my old one WAS nice when I first got it, but after a year of my dad and brothers using it, it's pretty much trashed and I didn't want it anymore.

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What a terrible experience, Ceolsige! I am so glad that you were able to think and do all the right things that finally made the car stop. BUT FIX IT RIGHT AWAY!


The accelerator can get stuck again - please do not wait, but have it fixed right away.


Glad that you are sound and safe. :hug:

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Yeah, getting it fixed would be the smart thing to do. I'll try to do that as soon as I can.


Thanks guys. :hug:


No, there isn't one Ly. Maybe if my dad gets his van fixed I could have my old car back, which he took from me because he was too cheap to get the van fixed. My uncle actually gave my current car to him so I could have my old one back, but my dad let me have it instead because it was nicer than my old one. I mean, my old one WAS nice when I first got it, but after a year of my dad and brothers using it, it's pretty much trashed and I didn't want it anymore.


Shucks. Then getting it fix would be the best thing, I guess.

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The brakes stuck on our car on Thursday morning when we were driving to get the train and the roads were all icy and We nearly crashed a few times but that was just because some ice had frozen onto the brakes D:

So glad you're Ok Kelsie :hug:

if it's happened before they should have told you ... anyway you need to get it fixed.

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