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2+2=5 B-Sides - anyone Else heard Them?


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i gotta say they're great...i know they aren't new songs...but i like them alot. The Demo for There There is not the same as the one i was expecting from Radiohead.tv.Thom Yorke Seems scared of the mic, his singing is really back in the mix. it's pretty haunting i thought. :rolleyes:

The Four Tet remix is alot better than i thought, but still feels like a remix of a song...which i knew it is, but i like remixes to sound like a brand new song, that could pass as not being a remix to new ears...(if you can make sense of that)

The Remyxomatosis (clever wording) is not recogniable as being a radiohead song for the first minute, until you hear the sample fading in. I didn't really care for this one on first listen...it's more drums samples cut up, then melody..which is suppose is what Christian Vogel was going for...i just don't think it fits the song. i miss the bass line which IS the song, and Thoms vocals in order.

Lastly, I Will, i think is an improvement, not that i don't like the album version, but, there's a steady drum beat (similar to 'A Punch Up At A Wedding') .. not really much extra to say about this song...

Crikey, that's the most i've wrote in one post......anyone else have any thoughts on them?

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merci! danke!

this way i know what people are referring to when they all start talking about this sucks, that rocks, etc on places like here and at ease!

and, for the record, i will buy this single (or maybe get it for Christmas) when it makes the long trip over the pond to Canada.

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