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The Mad Hatter

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is it wrong to feel slighted in some sense when people who have no clue about anything mourn someone they didn't even know?


that's a stupid question. :|


it bothers me when people act all upset about someone dying and write long blogs about people they didn't even know, putting thoughts in the dead person's head and words in their mouth. and blaming the people around that person.


i don't know what this thread is about. carrion.

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Umm, yeah I think so, maybe.. It might take away from what the people who actually knew the person are feeling...Which is a lot worse of course than what the randoms are feeling.


But, then maybe the people writing blogs or whatever are just trying to pay their respect and be sympathetic...?


I dunno, guess it kinda depends on the situation...

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It's like memorial pages on Facebook, when randoms start commenting. They post just for the sake of a nice sentiment, or at least the appearance of one to their friends and those who read the page. Yes, while simultaneously failing to understand the deep complexities and whatnot that are involved.


i don't know what this thread is about. carrion.


Wanted to post pictures of carrion in response but... did not realise carrion strictly means dead carcasses instead of also being a type of bird!

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It's like memorial pages on Facebook, when randoms start commenting. They post just for the sake of a nice sentiment, or at least the appearance of one to their friends and those who read the page. Yes, while simultaneously failing to understand the deep complexities and whatnot that are involved.




Wanted to post pictures of carrion in response but... did not realise carrion strictly means dead carcasses instead of also being a type of bird!


Yes. Even people who had horrible disdain for individuals talk as though they loved them. But it's not very kind to point that out, or even dwell on it, so I try not to, personally.


Well, you learn something new every day. :wacko:

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Yes. Even people who had horrible disdain for individuals talk as though they loved them. But it's not very kind to point that out, or even dwell on it, so I try not to, personally.


The one thing I would hate after I die is if people who didn't like me then mourned me and talked about me as if they were so super close to me. If it is at all possible I would try and come back from death and at least spiritually haunt them for some time for doing so


So I feel no qualms in pointing it out to people! Not that I've had the chance yet.

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