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Prince Myshkin

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Did you have it at a child?


I often pondered it when I was younger but never actually believed it. I did pretend it was true though on occassion, the same way you'd jump from settee to settee without touching the floor as you had decided it was made of lava or shark infested waters.

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solipsism: Philosophy. the theory that only the self exists, or can be proved to exist.



I'm not quite sure I would describe it as this, but I do remember that when I was a child it was difficult for me to grasp the concept of other peoples' "souls", so to speak. Not soul in the religious sense, but from the perspective of people having their own thoughts / life experiences that were different than mine. So yeah, I guess maybe that would qualify under the second part of the definition.

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I'm not quite sure I would describe it as this, but I do remember that when I was a child it was difficult for me to grasp the concept of other peoples' "souls", so to speak. Not soul in the religious sense, but from the perspective of people having their own thoughts / life experiences that were different than mine. So yeah, I guess maybe that would qualify under the second part of the definition.


Hmmm but that is normal, right? As a young child you don't really think about such things, or rather you haven't developed this kind of thinking yet? :thinking:

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7 or 8. So old enough not to take it seriously but still for it to fascinate me.

Interesting age for having such thoughts! Though I'm happy I've never had such thoughts myself at this age, otherwise I would have gone insane or something :uhoh:

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All young children have a form of solipsism to a point. They view their experiences to be indicative of reality and what everyone else would also be perceiving. Something a baby can't see doesn't exist. If a baby can see something, it exists and everyone can see it too.


Having it as late as 7 or 8 is definitely rare though. No, I certainly didn't have it then.


I'd like to see the rates between people with solipsism later in life and their chances of developing narcissistic personality disorder. The two seem somewhat linked in a way.


But I don't know much at all about psychology and I'm highly sceptical of a lot of it. I'm not the best person to comment.

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I probably had it too long ago to remember having it.

Now I'm way to conscious of everyone else HAVING thoughts, because I always wonder what other people are really thinking.



Most two and three year olds have it slightly. I'm pretty sure it starts to disappear after then. The problem isn't that you can't remember that period of your life, it's that you can't remember the way you truly thought back then. For example: when I was three I remember putting a fork into the mouth piece holes of the phone and twisting it and breaking the phone. But I don't remember what the fuck I was thinking when I did it. We remember actions of our infancy, but we certainly don't remember our psyche. If that makes sense?

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Most two and three year olds have it slightly. I'm pretty sure it starts to disappear after then. The problem isn't that you can't remember that period of your life, it's that you can't remember the way you truly thought back then. For example: when I was three I remember putting a fork into the mouth piece holes of the phone and twisting it and breaking the phone. But I don't remember what the fuck I was thinking when I did it. We remember actions of our infancy, but we certainly don't remember our psyche. If that makes sense?


Yeah it does.

I remember a bunch of things that I did when I was little. A lot of them were stupid, and I don't know WHY I did them.

I wonder why that is... :thinking:

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It's like




Have you ever thought that you may be the only conscious being, and everyone else that you perceive is not a free-thinking autonomous body like yourself? They could just be a figment of your imagination, too, but that delves into a different dimension of thinking.


Pretty kewl

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