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DNS Changer Malware


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On November 8, the FBI, the NASA-OIG and Estonian police arrested several cyber criminals in “Operation Ghost Click”. The criminals operated under the company name “Rove Digital”, and distributed DNS changing viruses, variously known as TDSS, Alureon, TidServ and TDL4 viruses. You can read more about the arrest of the Rove Digital principals here, and in the FBI Press Release.


I read an article in the paper this morning, informing people to check to see if their computer is infected. You can see if you are infected here: http://www.dcwg.org


I heard there will be a internet shut down at 12:01 am EDT on Monday July 9. I couldn't find any similar threads, and I wanted to make sure others get the news about this too.

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That last sentence... :facepalm: the whole internet is not shutting down.


Simply put, the FBI had some temporary DNS servers up for those effected by the DNS changer, so they could still access the internet. Those servers are due to go down on July 9, so anyone currently infected whom hasn't rectified the issue will be the only ones without the net.

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