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The Bible has been written over 2000 years ago and life back then was very diferrent than it is now. Thus you can't take it literally at all.

For example, Leviticus also said that cutting your hair is a sin.


I wonder who still takes it literally. I can only think about the Jeova's Witnesses

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I'm catholic. I think about the 50% of the Bible has just a spiritual meaning and also, like Fran said, there are some things related to the lifestyle of those time: for exeple, there's written that you shouldn't mix your blod with anyone else's or eat meat that has still blood in it. That was because blood was the vehicle of lots of deadly illnesses

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Yeah. If you're going to ignore the section of Leviticus that bans about tattoos, pork, shellfish, haircuts, polyester and football, how can you possibly turn around and quote Leviticus 18:22 ("You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.") as irrefutable law?

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