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<<The Boy Who Saw True>> - "The most important book on the planet at this time."


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This is a bit long, but if you can read it through and take a bit time to find the book and then contemplate, I believe you would like this Gift:)


I want to share with you a book I encountered recently <<The Boy Who Saw True>> and it was considered as "The most important book on the planet at this time" back in 2003 from a reader's review on Amazon [below]. It is a very easy/fun read (and Dr. Brian Weiss' <<Many Lives, Many Masters>> series are also great and meant to reach to the readers as many as possible:). http://www.brianweiss.org ), but with almost all the important things included, especially when the earth and all the related spirits are experiencing such an exciting and fundamental transformation at the moment. On the other hand, it is not something new or strange, as your soul would tell you one day or already for some, it is your home's calling and time to remember who you truly are and embrace its eternality. For others who might be more rational other than intuitive oritend, there is an online video/transcript resource to illustrate "Where Science and Buddhism Meet: Emptiness, Oneness and The Nature of Reality", and I've put part of the transcript and the links below as well.


A reminder: don't put this just as some knowledge or news or even "pure" fictional stories, because when you open up and look inside deep, and dream the biggest dream, you know from within, it is all TRUE. It may change you in many immediate life circles or aspects, and your friend, parents or little pet may see light from your eyes:) If you feel the energy, light and love, please try your best to spread it out, the more people to know it, the less suffering or fewer crises we may reduce or prevent, from the ones who have to say goodbye to their dearest passed-aways, or the ones who live in fear and anger without knowing the exact reasons, or the ones who plan to use weapon to create security, or the ones who stand in the crossroad feeling lost...don't you think it is the most important/urgent thing to do now?



<<The Boy Who Saw True>>


Review from Amazon:


"In my opinion, and several of my friends, this is the most important book on the planet at this time. I would not start reading it if you are very busy, because you will not be able to stop until you are done with it.


It does not contradict anything from the Seth Speaks series or anything from Theosophy, or Gnosticism (keep in mind that I am not an expert in either, however). The author claimed himself to be a follower of spiritualism. The Elder Brothers are the most interesting part of the book, I have found. Most of the book deals with reincarnation, karma, auras, speaking with spirits (Elder Brothers), and a bit of astral projection and the Akashic Records (whom the author can tap into at certain times).


Aside from all of the above, the book is very entertaining to read and you will find yourself laughing more than once. It gives many insights into the `Other Worlds' but it also has many on our own. As I said before, this is the most important book on the planet right now. If you are reading it just for fun, you will be entertained, and if you are on a serious study of such things, you will find many important tidbits of information scattered through ought the book."


1. http://www.amazon.com/The-Boy-Who-Saw-True/product-reviews/0685069508/ref=cm_cr_pr_btm_link_3?ie=UTF8&pageNumber=3&showViewpoints=0&sortBy=bySubmissionDateDescending


2. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/707225.The_Boy_Who_Saw_True


3. http://healingbase.com/the-boy-who-saw-true/



Where Science and Buddhism Meet: Emptiness, Oneness and The Nature of Reality:


1. http://buddhist-meditation-techniques.com/where-science-and-buddhism-meet-emptiness-oneness-and-nature-of-reality-part-1-video/


2. http://buddhist-meditation-techniques.com/where-science-and-buddhism-meet-emptiness-oneness-and-nature-of-reality-part-2-video/



“Conclusions and Implications

The lines between science and spirituality have been become inevitable blurred; The concepts interchangeable, our inquiry into science, our attempt to gravitate from all spiritual, religious, mystical has inevitable left us at the doorway in human history. The doorway that could provide the paradigm shift into a new self-realized civilization, casting aside the dogmas of yesterday, embracing a new world vision and creating the mythology for the 21 century. To make this transition we must be willing question, we must be willing to break apart the very foundations of our own believe systems, we must be willing to engage in an open-minded inquire into the true nature of reality. The implications are profound and ultimately in our hands because the true change can only happen within ourselves. For the sake of all those before us and all those after may we awaken to a new global vision that sees no hatred, but love, no division, but unity and not conflict, but compassion. I leave you with the dedication: May everyone be happy May everyone be free from suffering May no one ever be separated from their happiness May everyone have equanimity, free from hatred and attachment.”

- by Gerald (Transcript by Spencer, the Urban Monk)


Best wishes to connecting with your true eternal self sooooooon:)

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I believe the Bible is the most important book on the planet right now, and always has been. The gift of eternal life is free through the sacrifice that Jesus made for us through his shed blood, if we choose to believe and follow Him. :)



That's great as well! And I shall be more sensitive that my post doesn't mean to bring any "Who's is the One or the Way" discussion and it is free to choose or decide etc., but just a way to introduce the book via a reviewer's comment. It also reminds me of an experiment video of a Professor in Physics of Taiwan University, who has launched a clairvoyance [third eye] training program among younger children and happened to connect with different spiritual worlds via a special student. The cross-like gate of the heaven has been "visited" as well:), besides other spiritual places~

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