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Hi! I'm a new member and I just wanted to introduce me :).

First of all, my first language is spanish so my english must not be that good and I'm sorry for that :(.I hope I can get better on it in this community ♥.

I'm from Chile, I'm 18 years old and I've been listen to coldplay since 2011-12, when I saw the Paradise video I felt in love with them (sadly, nowadays Mylo Xyloto is my least liked album of coldplay :c).

And after all these years listening to coldplay, I finally decided to enter coldplaying because I'm a first-year student of Literature and my goal is to be a book translator, and I thought "yeah, I want to get better in english with people that share my music taste"♥. And because I really don't know so many people that likes coldplay and I feel like I NEED to share my love for them with some people haha.

I hope I can get along with a lot of coldplayers, find some virtual friends and have a lot of fun ♥.

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Hello, welcome!


It doesn't matter which Coldplay album/era is your favourite, as long as you like at least one of them I guess.


Your English is better than my Spanish, so don't worry about it! I know of many fans that have joined the forum that greatly improved their language skills as a result.

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Guest diogo_sg

Hey! Welcome to the family!

I'm not a native English speaker, just like you, and I think Coldplaying has definitely helped me improving my English skills. You'll become a pro in no time ;)

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welcome to the forums!!!


i'm glad so many people have been able to improve their english just from being here, though i feel like i'm no help in that, because i tend to not care about my grammar when i'm on here :joy:


but anyway your english is pretty good already, so i'm sure you'll be fine :)


(p.s. book translator sounds like an awesome career)

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