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The Snow Patrol Thread


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Found this.... I forgot how super nice they are.... :bomb:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu5RyQs10H0]YouTube - Set the fire to the third bar live snow patrol with ooaliciamarieoo[/ame]


I wish I could sing to do the same :bomb:



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He's still has the all month to do it... :dozey: (please gL, don't wait till the 31 january to wish us a happy new year! :P )






I think that's his flat in London. The picture frame is the same as his Village People pic from his place there:




That's my guess :shrug:


the "Gary Lightbody" on Twitter wished happy new year... ;)


garylightbody Gary

Belated happy new year!


garylightbody Gary

No, Edison is my homie.. He gave me light in darkness.


tho i really don't think our Gary's the kind of person who'd use "homie", even online on his blog posts, & that line about Thomas Edison (which is the Twitter user profile pic for that account now) is pretty darn cheesy & cringeworthy. :P

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Found this.... I forgot how super nice they are.... :bomb:


indeed, they are so down to earth :nice:



oh wait:



the "Gary Lightbody" on Twitter wished happy new year... ;)


i think Gary mentioned in some interview that he's not using twitter or facebook :P

though i really wish he did :disappointed:

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indeed, they are so down to earth :nice:



oh wait:





i think Gary mentioned in some interview that he's not using twitter or facebook :P

though i really wish he did :disappointed:


yeah. he did say he specifically doesn't like Twitter cos it's destroys the English language (it does...i sometimes resort to using shorthand or txtspeak) & is pretty much like us going around barking at each other (right again there, Mr L!). & for Facebook, he just said he likes to keep his friends physical (hmmm... :thinking: :P).


but i follow that account anyway...mainly cos i was errrmmm specifically told & msged publicly on Twitter to follow him. i felt bad if i didn't &/or told her i had my suspicions that it isn't the real deal. :\

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tho i really don't think our Gary's the kind of person who'd use "homie", even online on his blog posts, & that line about Thomas Edison (which is the Twitter user profile pic for that account now) is pretty darn cheesy & cringeworthy. :P

That imposter should stop :dozey: True fans KNOW that gL don't twitter (cf. Q's artist of the century issue, where he said he hate it cause it 'restricte the english language and so we just as well bark at each other' :laugh3: )


indeed, they are so down to earth :nice:


:rolleyes: :bomb: I wish he would do that with me! :lol: (I'm so tiny, I'm not heavy so you won't break your back lifting me G :sneaky: :laugh3: )




(we should rename this thread 'the moaning thread'... :laugh3: )






@Kimmi :laugh3: just saw your post....XD *thought transmission* )

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That imposter should stop :dozey: True fans KNOW that gL don't twitter (cf. Q's artist of the century issue, where he said he hate it cause it 'restricte the english language and so we just as well bark at each other' :laugh3: )



:rolleyes: :bomb: I wish he would do that with me! :lol: (I'm so tiny, I'm not heavy so you won't break your back lifting me G :sneaky: :laugh3: )




(we should rename this thread 'the moaning thread'... :laugh3: )






@Kimmi :laugh3: just saw your post....XD *thought transmission* )


haha...SP minds think alike? :wink3:


& i'm still waiting for a blog post from him too.........& i want to know his opinion on Scott Pilgrim..............



& i saw Sam's (the creator of TTB) FB status today! she re-posted someone's tweet that mentioned that she (that person) was sat next to Gary at a pub in Camden! he's in London now?!?! wonder if he was at the Foals NYE Party? :D

....tho she's since deleted that status, it seems. can't see it on her wall anymore.

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& i saw Sam's (the creator of TTB) FB status today! she re-posted someone's tweet that mentioned that she (that person) was sat next to Gary at a pub in Camden! he's in London now?!?! wonder if he was at the Foals NYE Party? :D

....tho she's since deleted that status, it seems. can't see it on her wall anymore.

OMG :stunned: :bomb: Gary in Camden means...PIZZA EXPRESS :awesome: So he must definitely live in the aera..... :sneaky: So next time I'll go to London, I'll pay attention when I'm in Camden to: our Coldplay boys AND the Lightbody... :laugh3:



But today, let's celebrate....





The man is turning 30's today!!! :blush: HAPPY BIRTHDAY man! :vuvuzela:

May you come up with some ace guitar lines for LP6! :hug:

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30th b-day? oooh, then i bet there will be a huuuuge party :sneaky: :dance:

and some collectiv amnesia afterwards....guess it will not help on the album writing... :rolleyes: :lol:


And to honnor our birthday boy, we'll all listen to 'headlights on dark roads', since it's thanks to him we have this song. I'll quote the Lightbody on EO deluxe edition booklet:

"Nathan wrote the music to this. It was very dark to me in the verse and the chorus delivered such a release that I wanted to show that in the lyrics too. The verses are as dark as I've ever written".


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eVuaQV6_h8]YouTube - snow patrol headlights on dark road greek 7/22/07[/ame]



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and some collectiv amnesia afterwards....guess it will not help on the album writing... :rolleyes: :lol:


lolol exactly my thoughts! xD

wait, where were they when they had that amnesia-party about which gary blogged? :laugh3:


and thanks for the video, it yet again made me laugh. "you sir, are drunk, well done :thumbsup:" :lol:




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OMG :stunned: :bomb: Gary in Camden means...PIZZA EXPRESS :awesome: So he must definitely live in the aera..... :sneaky: So next time I'll go to London, I'll pay attention when I'm in Camden to: our Coldplay boys AND the Lightbody... :laugh3:



But today, let's celebrate....





The man is turning 30's today!!! :blush: HAPPY BIRTHDAY man! :vuvuzela:

May you come up with some ace guitar lines for LP6! :hug:


haha...same thought too! he MUST live in the area! :sneaky:


oooh...now that you mention Nate's birthday, maybe that's why Gary's in London now! to par-tay! :D


guess the guys'll be getting hammered on loads of Guinness & that deadly Brazillian cocktail to celebrate his 30th... :wink3:

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oooh...now that you mention Nate's birthday, maybe that's why Gary's in London now! to par-tay! :D

+1 Nathan's gf lives in London, so I guess Nate too...


And tomorrow, it's Tom's 39 birthday :lol:




So I guess it will PAR-TAAAYYY round 2 :D I think it will at least a good week for the boys to recover from this 2 days bender :laugh3: (isn't that Tom himself saying on AHMS DVD bonus that on Gary's birthday they need a week off...XD)

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hahaha...they need time off to recover from the parties! must be some party when they celebrate! especially Gary's! 1 week!!! :lol:

For the record, Tom said it was because he was coming home to celebrate with his family... so maybe more cake than guinness in that scenario :D


& yeah, Nathan does stay in London. he & Jonny still stay in London in the Crouch End area.

Thx for the tip Sherlock :sneaky:

/note to go the Crouch End area for next London trip.....

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For the record, Tom said it was because he was coming home to celebrate with his family... so maybe more cake than guinness in that scenario :D

ah, well...ol' Uncle Tom is the oldest. maybe he's mellowing down with age. :lol:


Thx for the tip Sherlock :sneaky:

/note to go the Crouch End area for next London trip.....

i haven't been there myself, actually. read it somewhere only. but then, that area's a hive of musicians & actors/actresses anyway. not surprised. :cool:




btw, don't think the guys'd like what that Wapa-Wapa site called their latest album... "best of album"! oh, dear...heh guess they just can't escape that label for Up To Now...even if it quite honestly can't really be called that. :P

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ah, well...ol' Uncle Tom is the oldest. maybe he's mellowing down with age. :lol:

:lol: no, that's gL who needed a week to go back home and celebrate. Tom wasn't there (from what I understand when he said it).



btw, don't think the guys'd like what that Wapa-Wapa site called their latest album... "best of album"! oh, dear...heh guess they just can't escape that label for Up To Now...even if it quite honestly can't really be called that. :P

like gL said, it's an ANTOLOGY :rolleyes: bad Wapa-wapa :whip: (btw, the wapaaaaa is sound of a whip... :D (cf. Friends episode in S4)


And found this gif and I thought immediatly ...



Shiiiit!!!....I totally forgot we have fans waiting for a blog....










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I'm gonna punch Gary in the face.





gL after the punch...

Ouuuuuch, Christina hit me!!!!



Morality: NEVER get Christina mad.....! :D






Iain Archer tweeted this yesterday...

This Thurs playing benefit show Half Moon, Putney, London. First gig in quite some time. Got a new dance routine and jumpsuit.

I bet gL will be in the audience to support his friend :sneaky:

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