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Harassment between Coldplay fans must stop


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Well, this all started a few months ago when Coldplay World (Szymon Sawicki - @szymixsiorek) started sending me emails asking for Coldplay content to upload to his own YouTube channel. Since I felt sorry for him, I agreed and gave him two Coldplay concerts in audio and video. Here begins the odyssey, from that moment he begins to send me emails requesting concerts over and over again without stopping. Things get worse when the YouTube channel Coldplay World starts selling the multitracks that @coldplaykbposted here on Coldplaying. When he does that, the first thing that comes to my mind is to warn @coldplaykband make a YouTube post to warn that this behavior is not acceptable in any way. Days went by and I started to receive threats and insults from Coldplay World with different email addresses, but with the same grammar. Here are some emails so you can see how everything went:






Then the threats start...


and today, he sent me a pic of his private parts, so this is ENOUGH. 


I don't know if this post is in the correct section, you can move it if you see it necessary... @stephen@I ran away@Captain Crieff

He keeps creating fake emails, so be careful with this person.

These are not the principles of Coldplay that we want in the community, it irritates me that he scam people selling things that don't belong to him, I don't really care if he insults me, but we must not allow this type of behavior because it can affect a person in a bad way (sorry for my english btw)

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