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Maroon 5

Sweet One

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I wasn't that enthousiastic when they released it but after seing them perfom it live, I love it now!! This album really gets life on stage :)


I didn't really know much about them when I saw them live (i didn't dislike them but I wasn't really excited to go) but I loved the show, and most of the songs stuck on my head forever :P I want them to come back on this tour.

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I didn't really know much about them when I saw them live (i didn't dislike them but I wasn't really excited to go) but I loved the show, and most of the songs stuck on my head forever :P I want them to come back on this tour.

I've known them from the beginning...I've bought 'songs about Jane' right away cause I loved 'this love' so much :rolleyes: Two years ago, they came in France to do free gigs and they came in my hometown! :stunned: I was front row between James and Adam with a good view on my dear Jesse, best spot ever! :D


Here a few of my pics of that night











the rest here: Maroon 5 - Juin 2008 Tours


Hope I could go to their next french date!

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I've known them from the beginning...I've bought 'songs about Jane' right away cause I loved 'this love' so much :rolleyes: Two years ago, they came in France to do free gigs and they came in my hometown! :stunned: I was front row between James and Adam with a good view on my dear Jesse, best spot ever! :D


Here a few of my pics of that night





the rest here: Maroon 5 - Juin 2008 Tours


Hope I could go to their next french date!

Free gigs? Nice!... hahah yeah you got a great spot, and you were front row!

I love that picture, it looks really cute. All your pictures are great. I love the colours :D

I saw them on november of that year :D and I was more or less on the same spot as you but a lot of rows behind :P I had a good view though, and the people around us where very nice :smiley:

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Free gigs? Nice!... hahah yeah you got a great spot, and you were front row!

Yeah, and I almost miss it, cause it's part of a tour that is programmed every year (sponsored by Ricard :lol:), but the artists are more or less interesting. And 2 years ago, it was Martin Solveig (the DJ) and M5!! When I saw the flyers on the street, I thought it was a band that have a name kinda like M5 but not them (didn't see their face well) and when I got back to my work, I checked on the internet and it was THEM!!! AND FOR FREE!!! The gig was not far from my work, so when I finished, I rush back to the concert and I made it front row :D

And the funny thing is, a few months before I had hesitated to buy tickets to ge see them in Paris but I gave up and I was right, cause they did the EXACT same setlist as they did for us!


But in 2009, there were no tour and this year, it doesn't stop by my town :\


I love that picture, it looks really cute. All your pictures are great. I love the colours :D

I 'retouched' them on flick. ^^


I red that the music video for Misery will be shoot sunday.

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Yeah, if I saw that Maroon 5 was playing for free here I would probbly think it's a hoax or something like that :lol: You were really lucky then!

Retouched or not they are still great, you should look at the ones my cousin took they are shit:P (there is no other word to describe them :lol:)


I wonder how the video will be :thinking: I still have to listen Misery a few more times.

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maybe he just doesn't want brunettes/dark-haired girls anymore. since one cheated on him on wake up call and another left him for another man on won't go home without you. :P that's why he went back to blondes. :lol:

It was a brunette also in 'this love'...But Adam tend to use his current girlfriend on music videos so there is a chance the fighting blondie is the new Mrs Levine (of the month... :rolleyes:)

Anyway, I wish someday they'll make a video that is NOT about Adam screwing some girl... seriously, I feel like I'm always watching the same clip... :dozey:


never mind, this video i definitely much better than Adam vs. Blondie.


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mwahahaaa! I was right, it's a blond :laugh3:


Sneak peak video of the clip: http://www.maroon5.com/news_detail/sneak_peak_of_the_new_misery_video/


Adam, you're so predictable...:rolleyes:


Hahah yeah, I saw that. You were right. :P

another left him for another man on won't go home without you. :P

She played Alex Rousseau on Lost :D [/lost fangirl]

Anyway, I wish someday they'll make a video that is NOT about Adam screwing some girl... seriously, I feel like I'm always watching the same clip... :dozey:


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The music video is here:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x315I9tOTYg]YouTube- Maroon 5 - Misery (Clip Official) HD[/ame]


So apparently, I was again right: the girl in the music video is Adam's currently GF.... :dozey: The clip is quite boring (even if seing Adam getting his ass kicked is a little satisfying XD) but WHY does they kill the other 4?? My poor Jesse T.T and am I dreaming but I don't see James on the vid??


Here the artwork for the album...




No comment... :dozey:

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Yeah I still like those four boys who made that video...



And the song is so much better than the video.



Album artwork is not that bad.

I don't like it..it's 'britney spearesque'... :dozey: Last album was :confused: (don't like when bands took top model poses on album cover...). Songs about Jane WAS perfect!

Anyway, it won't stop me from buying it :P

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I didn't like the video :\. Not sure about the artwork, i mean, it could work as a single cover, but it doesn't really look like it fits as an album. :shrug:

and am I dreaming but I don't see James on the vid??

He is stabbed around 3.04 -ish


And the song is so much better than the video.


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and they just gave the four other boys around a second each of screen time to die, which make it even more lame than it already is. Hmmm. :\


Plus, in the preview, they were showing the boys playing (like in the 'this love' vid)...why not keeping it in the full version?? I know that most girls are drooling on Adam, but seriously, Maroon 5 is a BAND, not the 'Adam Levine & his orchestra'.... :dozey:


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I didn't see the preview (it won't play on my pc). That's why I just expected that there will be a time that they'll be playing all together. because that is what usually happens on their videos. I was surprised that there wasn't. :(


Maybe the video was done in haste. The fact that Jesse and Michael died the same way, kind of shows that there wasn't a lot ideas put into the video. :\

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