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Maroon 5

Sweet One

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It seems like there are two versions of the video (or that's what I think) because here, the video has the parts where they are playing and Jesse even says that the footage was from another song and they made it work into this video.

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Plus, in the preview, they were showing the boys playing (like in the 'this love' vid)...why not keeping it in the full version?? I know that most girls are drooling on Adam, but seriously, Maroon 5 is a BAND, not the 'Adam Levine & his orchestra'.... :dozey:




And yeah, all of my friends loooove the video cause its just ADAM, ADAM, ADAM and some more of ADAM!!!! When I told them that Maroon 5 is a band of 5 they just said that they are not hot as Adam.

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here[/url], the video has the parts where they are playing and Jesse even says that the footage was from another song and they made it work into this video.


a little better. :D


so, the one on youtube is probably the original one. w/out the band playing. i think. because they also talked about the part where the girl stabbed Adam's hand- it wasn't on the video linked above but it's there on the one on youtube. :shrug:

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here[/url], the video has the parts where they are playing and Jesse even says that the footage was from another song and they made it work into this video.

I like it better with the band on it but it's weird they already shoot a music video for another song though only one single is out... :thinking:


Adam who's saying he kinda 'accidentally' pick his girlfriend for the vid...geez man, you ALWAYS do :dozey:


And yeah, all of my friends loooove the video cause its just ADAM, ADAM, ADAM and some more of ADAM!!!! When I told them that Maroon 5 is a band of 5 they just said that they are not hot as Adam.


Adam is gorgeous, I'm not arguing with that but I dunno, he's attitude sometimes is just annoying....He plays with his hotness but sometimes, he's just too full of himself. I prefer Jesse, who's just the cutest guy: down to earth and a big heart! <3 James is cute too but I wanna cut his hair :laugh3:, Matt is married and Mickey, dunno, he seems pretty transparent...Pity they didn't let him speak in ITV, I'm sure he's got a lot interesting things to say.


I dunno if the band will continue for many years...Adam said plenty of times that he wanted to go solo one day, but I don't think it's a good idea... :confused:

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Adam has said that he doesn't want to keep doing the whole music thing into an old age like The Rolling Stones, and that the new album in September would probably be the last of M5. :sad:


I rather enjoy the most recent single, BTW. :nice:

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Adam has said that he doesn't want to keep doing the whole music thing into an old age like The Rolling Stones, and that the new album in September would probably be the last of M5. :sad:

So soon??! :stunned: tsss...when his solo album will be a total disaster, I'm sure he'll be glad to be back with M5 :lol: (I know, I'm not being nice here...)

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Yeah, you're kinda not, but I understand where you're coming from. M5 is one of my favorite bands, so hearing about the possibility of them splitting so soon makes me sad. I kinda feel selfish by saying I'd rather Adam stay and for them to keep doing this. I just love their music, and I don't want it to go away.


/depressing post.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah they have. And if I remember correctly, Adam's got his dog name tattoed too... (or I dreamed it...:thinking:)



Listen to mister Jesse speaks about the tour (gosh, I love that man *w*)


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4tHqlSzQ7Q]YouTube- Summer Tour 2010 Update[/ame]

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  • 1 month later...


no adam levine making out with a blonde. :wacky:


No but lots of blondies making out XDD I think 'hands all over' is a good title for the album judging from this vid...lol

I don't know what to think of this song...Don't love it but don't hate either...it's just 'blah'...Maybe when I'm used to it, I say differently.

As for the vid...no comment. I feel like all M5 vids are the same...


Cool! :D


And has anyone heard the new album yet?

It isn't out yet (at least in here)....21st september right?


They'll play in Paris on March (in a cool venue) BUT it's in a fuckin middle of the week, so no gig for me... I so wanted to see Jesse again :bigcry:

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No but lots of blondies making out XDD I think 'hands all over' is a good title for the album judging from this vid...lol

I don't know what to think of this song...Don't love it but don't hate either...it's just 'blah'...Maybe when I'm used to it, I say differently.

As for the vid...no comment. I feel like all M5 vids are the same...




the same because it's all adam's face? :rolleyes: jk.


anyways, i honestly don't have any strong opinions on this song yet. and even on the first one, misery, except that i find it quite catchy. :|

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