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hiya :dance: how are you all doing? :nice:

i hope that everything is fine.

i am still getting used to my "weekend"... but is cool.


next week i will start practices on another building too :D

today i had attended a family in portuguese, it made me so happy really :nice:

and i had attended two english tourists yesterday... seems that i am more used to attender foreigner tourists than national ones :uhoh:


tomorrow we open a new place, the museum of roman theatre of my city :dance: :smug2: i am so happy for it, i will visit it this week, i hope. :D


and i will need to use an elevator that they have (the entreprise where i am doing my practices), and told me that i'll can use it for free :P (one of the concerts that i will attend in this La Mar de Músicas music festival, i will need to get to the stage through this elevator, that people have to pay to use it), as i am a worker :P cool people, aren't they.


i've been practicing guitar, tried to compose something, and today came up 5 titles for poems :)

i've been watching many films from our Biblioteca. :)

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i see, i hope you had got good marks :)


why? you mean the exams?... may be, but Portugal was so inspiring for me. :D

still long walkings are inspiring for me, yesterday came up some ideas but i hadn't write them yet, just the "titles", but i want them to have a melody since the begin, that means to write them playing my guitar at the same time or so...

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i will never give it up, i wanted to several times when i was in "anger" but i will never give it up Zaza.


hey daryl, todo bien? que tal? :D

yo tengo practicas hasta este lunes, libro dos días a la semana. Mañana cuando salga de las practicas quiero ver el museo del teatro romano de mi ciudad, lo han inaugurado hoy y allí trabajan unos compañeros / amigos que quiero saludar.

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Pues todo bien aunque hoy mi día ha sido un poco aburrido porque no he hecho na de na, pero en fin, espero este fin de semana hacer más cositas!

Y tú que tal estás? Como te está yendo todo?


iris you gonna live a long time ??

Do u have a SMS on your phone when ur name is mentiond on here...

hope u are fine :)


mwhaha, it was just a coincidence.

I just happened to post at the same time than you!!

How could I know whether I'm going to live a long time? I could die tomorrow, who knows?!

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