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What are you thinking right now?


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So what would make the U.S. military operate in a manner which is respectful of Afghan citizen's rights, much as anyone living in the U.S. would expect from our legal process? Special ops might be killing or capturing large numbers of Taliban & Al Qaeda extremists, but when whole villages desert us in favor of the Taliban, what have we gained? It sounds like another policy which on the surface looks to be making progress but by its very nature alienates citizens by busting into homes, and thus fails in the most important objective of showing the value and fairness of modern systems of governance to protect basic rights, and encourage progress in Afghanistan.

What to do about it is the question. To petition the government for a redress of grievances is part of our rights, if it would ever listen to common sense..

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what have we gained[/color]? It sounds like another policy which on the surface looks to be making progress but by its very nature alienates citizens by busting into homes, and thus fails in the most important objective of showing the value and fairness of modern systems of governance to protect basic rights, and encourage progress in Afghanistan.

What to do about it is the question. To petition the government for a redress of grievances is part of our rights, if it would ever listen to common sense..


Very little, maybe even nothing.


If we never try, we'll never know.

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Too bad - I have to get up early in the morning - I was very tired and went to bed a little before midnight and fell asleep immediately. Woke up at 2:28 - a baby was crying in the apartment below mine. New people moved in a few days ago - apparently with a baby. Not to pleased with the prospects of a period of wakening up every night this way.

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The juxtaposition of military personnel and how they are taught to think in uniform, and individuals in private homes, how we are in different modes of thought. Is it not a universal right, the respect of oneself in one's own home, of one's privacy and sanctuary? The things we so enshrine we must uphold for all, as these are basic rights of all.

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