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hi sweetie :kiss: :kiss: i'm so happy that you're cheered up a bit :)


got some bad news though... my hair is cut... its waaaaaaay too short, i hate the man who cut it :angry: :veryangry2: :evil3:


talk to you soon :love: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

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i went out last night, got drunk, didn't have much fun because i couldn't stop thinking of her so i went home at about 02.00. No need to worry, i'm just extremely sad, nothing less nothing more.


Thanks for the call, it meant a lot for me. I felt a bit better after it.

i hope to talk to you soon. ciao :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

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sweetie, i wnat to talk to u.

im worried, i dont want u sad like this.

i know its hard not to be, but dont go drinking your problems away coz thats not the way to go.


I love u I love u I love u I lvoe u I love u I love u I love u I love u I love u I love u I love u I love u I love u I love u I love u I love u I love u I love u I love u I love u I love u I love u I love u I love u I love u Love u I love u I love u...



dont u ever forget that ok? and if u need me u already know what to do...

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

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:blush: this cheers me up :) thanks for the call sweetie, i already told you but i'm gonna say it again, this means a lot to me :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: don't worry too much, i'll be ok... if i don't answer anymore i might be hit bu a van hard or killed myself... (don't worry, i won't :) )



i love you too :love: :heart:

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:cry: :cry: hey never talk like that nicolas,I have had friends that have killed themselves,and i can tell you it is almost impossible to get over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Lot's of :love: for mariana sweetie :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

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