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i'm good thanks, just woke up :wacko: thinking if i should get dressed and go eat breakfast in a cafe in the city and zoom into the hot males :sneaky:


what about you hun? :lips:

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boardiez mafia mec mec :lips: ima godfather :chinese:


mwaha ohh puah, which subjects are you studying?


i should be studying german and geography :shifty: but it's an off day from school so i prolly won't :P

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Oh... if it's an off day, then :rolleyes: don't study, pleaaaase! :lol:

I finished uni last Wednesday, now it's le caca time to prepare myself mwhaha :tongue:

Today I'm studying Literature (from The Bible to Kafka, more or less :idea2: ) and later I'll have to study a bit of Literary Theory and English Texts (next Friday, exam :dozey: )

Wooooow, so interesting :snore:

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Oh... if it's an off day, then :rolleyes: don't study, pleaaaase! :lol:

I finished uni last Wednesday, now it's le caca time to prepare myself mwhaha :tongue:

Today I'm studying Literature (from The Bible to Kafka, more or less :idea2: ) and later I'll have to study a bit of Literary Theory and English Texts (next Friday, exam :dozey: )

Wooooow, so interesting :snore:


:shocked: puaaah youra so smart i feel dumb :shifty:


but woot woot uni finished? what are you going to do next? :stunned:

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