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So you must be a friend of Lotta's. Which part of Suomi are you from?? Not Mikkeli?? :lol:

I've been busy doing other things of late. Felt inspired to log in by Coldplay's TV performance this evening and the forthcoming tour.......................

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i think the more interesting question is why am i even bothering to talk to you?


but why do i say that? hmm let's see let's see. you're not the guy who called me an annoying bitch? you're not the guy who acts like a dick? and the list would go on and on.


yes it makes me wonder what brings you here. :wideeyed: unless you have some unfinished business with me? you answer me now.

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:dozey: Oh yeah, no way about your hungarian words to me...



I come here because I've been always thinking there was really nothing big behind that little problem we had... but now that seems you don't think the same ugh, you better tell me what you want me to do.

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yes but i didn't call you a WHORE which is far more offensive than calling someone a fucker or such. :rolleyes:


but weird that you say that. wasn't it you who said that people you meet on internet are worth crap?

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Well, you haven't seen how people does use those words in hungary.



and I don't think I used those words to express myself of people here... btw I accept I'm now full of ambivalences between now and past: I even said once I was going to leave for ever. Remember?

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i don't see you apologising. and do you even remember what you wrote back then? yes i know we all change but you don't seem to even regret your actions back in time.


and why me now? why so suddenly does it matter anything to you if i'm talking to you or not?

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For Pharynx:


Regret-? I'm telling you I never saw a big deal in our past quarrel. Just a little game.


That's why I talk now to you now, I don't have anything against you as you may have. So you tell now if you want me out or not. :rolleyes:


For mc_squared


That fight-argue attitude isn't with me anymore, I'm suave now :cool:

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