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~*~ The Official Will Champion Appreciation Thread ~*~


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Hahaha I know seriously. It's very rare that you find families with more than four kids. A lot of my classmates have 3 siblings though. I wish I had another sibling. I like 4 better than 3 then no 1 person is the middle. Surprisingly enough, the middle in my family gets the most attention. That's probably because she's the best out of all of us 3.

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My brother and I are the middle kids. It's so obvious. My big sis and little sis are such bosses (gr!), so my big bro is there by my side if I can't handle them :lol:


We're the quiet ones. We take after my mom. My sisters are the loud ones -- they get that from my dad. :rolleyes: Boy oh boy...

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Hahaha I'm the spoiled emo child (not really... in their eyes I'm an angel *cough* But yeah I had some depression issues this year so they're kind of iffy lol) and then my brother... he's the slacker. He got a 2.9 GPA in high school. That's sad. But my sister is the aaaangel. She got a 4.1GPA in high school, got into UC Berkeley, and is in her junior year of pre-med. She's actually thinking of going to England for med school. How cool would that be?!

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I don't know, but she doesn't think she'll get into med school here 'cause her grades last year were almost failing. It was reaaaaaaaaally bad. She studied 50+ hours for her exams, but she just couldn't get it. I think she over-analyzes the questions too much. She was so frustrated, but this year she has easier classes so she's doing better.

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My school's schmucked up. I go to a private school, and we pay 8000 for them to give us vacation! Stupid school. And we have like a reaaaaaaaally crappy stafff. Sometimes I wonder if they pick up teachers off the streets of San Francisco, so long as they're clean and Christian. :lol:

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No, seriously. Mr. Siemsen is a perfect example. He doesn't know shit. He majored in Bible but he's teaching Marine Biology. WTF. Then he was my Bible teacher in 6th grade and ya know... we're supposed to be learning about Noah's Ark and Moses and all that... and what do we end up talking about? CONSTIPATION. Yes, constipation. *shakes head* Then he teaches us how to be grammatically correct when we swear.


"Yeah, and I called him a bitch--"

"You can't call a guy a bitch, you have to call him a son of a bitch!"


Wow. One hell of a Bible teacher, he is. :lol:

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LMFAO. That's how my 6th grade class was. Public school btw. Somehow we'd go from Egypt to transexuals and their operations. :lol:


This year, my English teacher wasn't told he was teaching Honors English until the day school started. My God. :lol:


To stay somewhat on topic: I seriously want to drum like Will. I always end up watching how he moves the drumsticks and everything... kinda hypnotizing.

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