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Central Europe

Angel at his table

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tusim este videla drahsie listky ako 690skk - okolo tisicky...

viem, jasne, dnes je ich vacsina dost drahych, ale za coldplay by som dala aj ovela viac... ;) ;) ;) za nu nie....

ale vraj to bolo velmi dobre, ona sama bola velmi mila a vobec nemala dake prehnane poziadavky na usporiadatelov atd. taka fakt zlata bola.... videla som aj jedno interview s nou....

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no, nevidela somho cele, ale tak hovorila o novom albume, ktory mas :)

o tych pesnickach, ze sa jej velmi pacia tie videa, ktore robila teraz a trochu hovorila o tom, ze sa je ze tu po prvykrat a ze sa jej tu paci atd.

ja milujem tu pesnicku counting down the days.... ale aj shiver... ;) ale album este nemam...

keane je SUPERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

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ja som na coldplay.com len registrovana, ale nechodim tam na forum...

ale co ja viem, tak aj tu na coldplaying su ludia co pocuvaju keane....

to je divne, ze na oficialnom nie.... :confused:

nechala som ti na lounge link na noty.... po anglicky "tabs"....

a nasla som aj nejake pre piano..... tak si to skus pozriet :)

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hello!! słabo was rozumiem ;)


mam nadzieje, ze wy coś zrozumiecie ...;)


w wątku o Czechach pisałem, ze byłem na nartach we Frenstacie rok i 2 lata temu. W tym roku wybieram sie na SŁOWACJĘ- konkretniej Jasna- CHOPOK- fajnie tam jest ? ;)


z chęcią dowiem się czegoś ciekawego o SŁOWACJI przed wyjazdem...;)


PS If you don't understand, i'll write it in English...but maybe not now because i'm too tired, and have to go to bed ;)

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ahoj polish guy!!!! :kiss: :kiss:


i understood the polish quite good!!! not sure if you would understand slovak... :confused: so i decided to write to you in english...

chopok is nice!!!! i´m sure you will have a lot of fun there!!!! what would you like to know?? ;)

talk to you soon :D :D

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MagdaCZ was wrong, and Piccolina was right ;) I'm going to be in Slovakia, and I WAS in Czech Rep. ;)




hello!! słabo was rozumiem - I can hardly understand you (it's not exactly the same, but it seems grammaticaly correct ;) )


mam nadzieje, ze wy coś zrozumiecie ... - I hope you' ll understand sth ;)


w wątku o Czechach pisałem, ze byłem na nartach we Frenstacie rok i 2 lata temu. W tym roku wybieram sie na SŁOWACJĘ- konkretniej Jasna- CHOPOK- fajnie tam jest ? - In a threadabout Czech R. I wrote, that I was skiing in Frenstat one year, and two years ago. This year I'm going to Slovakia- in Jasna-CHOPOK. Is it a cool place??



z chęcią dowiem się czegoś ciekawego o SŁOWACJI przed wyjazdem... - willingly, I'd like to know sth intresting about Slovakia before my journey


The end of translation;)


It's so cool , that our languages are similar! I remember that in Czech R. i was speaking Polish, and we could communicate in shops, pubs, etc. (and now we can try to communicate here :) )


Piccolina- try to write sth in Slovak (but not very difficult :) ). I'll give my best to decipher it :)


PS 1. I remember that there are "false friends" in our languages. if you know some of them- please post it :) I'll look for it in the google :)

2. It seems that , i've disturbed you in the chat about Keane- haven't I ? :)

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frajer- in polish in means "sucker"


divka- in polish, word "dziwka" sounds very similar, and it means- "whore"


Ćerstvy- sounds like "czerstwy"- and if U ever visit Poland, i don't reccomend you to buy "czerstwy" bread, cause it's means old, outdated bread :)


divak- sounds like "dziwak"- and it means "weirdo"


odbyt - in polish there's nothing in common with economy- it's "annus" :confused: :/


pokuta - in polish, is given by a priest after connfesion


napad- in polish it's a robbery (eg. in a bank)


panna- means "lady" (it's a bit old-fashioned word)


szukać- in polish- "to search"


don't feel abused, when someone tells you "fajnie pachniesz", because "pachnieć" is a positive meaning of smell


"zachód" in polish means "west" in english ;)


nożyczki- means in polish "scissors", so don't expect us to tell you tell "you've got nice nożyczki" ;)



:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D

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ahoj poľský kamarát!!! hello polish friend!!!! ;) ;)


ako sa máš? a ako sa voláš? ja sa volám michaela.

ďakujem ti veľmi pekne za "false friends", niektoré z nich som poznala, ale niektoré nie :D

a čo by si o slovesku chcel vedieť? spýtaj sa na to, čo ťa zaujíma, budem sa snažiť ti na všetko odpovedať ;) ;)


i hope you could understand something!!! if not, just tell me, i´ll translate it for you, ok? and yes, it´s great our languages are so similar... we can understand each other even while talking different laguages!!!! :cool: :cool: :cool:

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if it was about me you might be wrong :)


from wiki:



It is frequently quoted on the Internet that current analysis, using a combination of latitude and longitude measurements from the "geographic extremes" of Europe, places the centre in the northern part of central Poland. This is supported by calculations based on the Centre of mass method, which uses a combination of population and area analysis, placing the geographic centre of Europe near the city of Toruń, about 350 km east of the border with Germany, 150 km south of Gdańsk and 200 km north-west of the Polish capital, Warsaw. Unfortunately the author of this claim, as well as the date it was made is unknown. What more, nobody in Toruń itself has ever heard about that claim. "


"Geographical centre of Europe

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

(Redirected from Geographic Center of Europe)


This map shows the locations of claimants to the title of Centre of Europe


An ongoing debate concerns where the geographical centre of Europe is to be found. Different opinions are based on differing measurements, on the definition of the borders and extreme points of Europe, and on different ways of calculating the final result.


Locations currently vying for the distinction of being the centre of Europe include:

Suchowola, north of Białystok, in northeast Poland;

the village of Krahule, near Kremnica in central Slovakia;

the small town of Rakhiv (actually, the village of Dilove, near Rakhiv) in western Ukraine; and

Bernotai, near Vilnius, Lithuania."


:D :D :D





Prawie wszystko zrozumiałem :) ja jestem Jacek. chciałbym wiedzieć, np.(= for example :) ) jakie są najlepsze zespoły muzyczne (głównie rockowe) na Słowacji??


co wedlug Ciebie jest tanie, a co drogie w waszych sklepach (przyda mi sie przed wyjazdem na Chopok :))?


and if U don;t know sth, i can also translate it :) good luck in decyphing it :)

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