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Central Europe

Angel at his table

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Well in that case I suggest you go to urban England, where you'll find them in everyone's gardens or backyards!!

My parents even had one living under their shed!!:rolleyes:



well, so we should tell you that foxes near big cities aren't here so much like in urban england :lol:

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well, rain's not calming when it's windy and quite cold. rain is calming in summer, when it's really hot. anyways, the permanent rain annoys me.


Permanent rain?? I've never heard of that before!!:stunned:

Is it a new natural phenomenon caused by climate change??:rolleyes:

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Maybe she lives on a house-boat! :o


You stupid sarcastic boys :P Do you think I'm stupid? It was raining here for a week, but the rain wasn't torrential, so there are no floods, although there were some rivers expected to have a very high level of water.

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