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bob is dead; long live bob

bob is a politcal prisoner

bob is

bob is dead

bob is king

bob is slinging out a new life

bob is confused

bob is mel's husband

bob is christmas winner

bob is available for educational speaking engagements



cliff is located in the yeongsanggang river that connects

cliff is original

cliff is a family oriented resort located in hazelhurst

cliff is in good company in the radio times

cliff is back

cliff is not melvin

cliff is a self

cliff is a

cliff is a state of mind

cliff is a year round family resort on


:lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: I like your style!

"bob is mel's husband" :shocked:


"cliff is located in the yeongsanggang river that connects" connects what? I wanna go homeeeeeeee :bigcry:

"cliff is not melvin" :idea2: This is very true!

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Ellie is the fucking man...??


Ellie is an ordinary teenager who lives on a farm in a small victorian rural town?!


Ellie is a reasonable dog and you should hire her for as long as possible


wow, its amazing what you dont know bout yourself...

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bob is dead; long live bob

bob is a politcal prisoner

bob is

bob is dead

bob is king

bob is slinging out a new life

bob is confused

bob is mel's husband

bob is christmas winner

bob is available for educational speaking engagements



cliff is located in the yeongsanggang river that connects

cliff is original

cliff is a family oriented resort located in hazelhurst

cliff is in good company in the radio times

cliff is back

cliff is not melvin

cliff is a self

cliff is a

cliff is a state of mind

cliff is a year round family resort on


:lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: I like your style!

"bob is mel's husband" :shocked:


"cliff is located in the yeongsanggang river that connects" connects what? I wanna go homeeeeeeee :bigcry:

"cliff is not melvin" :idea2: This is very true!


Mel??? hummm :inquisitive: lol Wendy is out of the picture lol

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