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Tom Cruise is Nuts

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I really do question his sanity though. Especially lately.


"In 1997, Cruise and other big time Hollywood entertainers took out an international newspaper ad denouncing Germany for resorting to the same totalitarian tactics against Scientologists that the country used against the Jews under Hitler during the 1930s." Oh...riiiiiight. I think I might re-think my admiration for that person ha.

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I think that he's going througha serious MID-LIFE CRISIS! :lol:

I am chocked at the things he has said about psychology, what makes him think he knows everything about it after a reading a couple articles?! :angry:

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that is so photoshopped...funny though! Anyway...What I don't get is how all those Scientology people can get brainwashed so easily. One may assume they can see through it...I mean, I am sure that "religion" does help them in a way...but mostly they help them to empty their bank account. Tom was so much better off with his old management.

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that is so photoshopped...funny though! Anyway...What I don't get is how all those Scientology people can get brainwashed so easily. One may assume they can see through it...I mean' date=' I am sure that "religion" does help them in a way...but mostly they help them to empty their bank account. Tom was so much better off with his old management.[/quote']


Who were they? The Moonies?? :P

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I think that he's going througha serious MID-LIFE CRISIS! :lol:

I am chocked at the things he has said about psychology, what makes him think he knows everything about it after a reading a couple articles?! :angry:


Tell me about it. :angry:

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