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Blasts in Egypt Resort.


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if you wanna play the bush as govenor of florida card' date=' then i can equally say any state the gore won in that had a democratic govenor won because of that. it goes both ways.[/quote']


no it doesnt go both ways----explain to me why a clearly state issue which was the votes in Florida----why it got sent to the supreme court

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:lol: if you were one of the people who were denied the right to vote in 2000 election----u would not be saying this---but then again---ur not an african american so u obviously were first in line :P


sorry, but bush didnt steal the election, gore bearly got more votes, not to mention in the last election bush won teh majority.


no stealing he won it fair and square through the political way, people needto grow up.




oh brother not with the racial crap again. im sorry but if any party is bad to african americans its the democrats, the republicans from the beginning have been against slavery, they helped blacks(i hope that doesnt offend anyone) in the civil rights movement, and as you can see bush has put blacks in high positions, like 2 or 3 of them. the democrats have been known from day one to be very racist, not all i mean but many in office have been, against freedom, against teh civil rights movemtent


ever heard of senator robert byrd? former kkk member in congress who is very racist. crying out loud.

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Re: e


if you wanna play the bush as govenor of florida card' date=' then i can equally say any state the gore won in that had a democratic govenor won because of that. it goes both ways.[/quote']


no it doesnt go both ways----explain to me why a clearly state issue which was the votes in Florida----why it got sent to the supreme court


why does it matter? its in teh past, get over it. your side lost, fair and square. you can argue that because bush had a brother in office he won that state, but i can equally say any democrat in office in teh states gore won were won because of that reaon as well.

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oh brother not with the racial crap again. im sorry but if any party is bad to african americans its the democrats, the republicans from the beginning have been against slavery, they helped blacks(i hope that doesnt offend anyone) in the civil rights movement, and as you can see bush has put blacks in high positions, like 2 or 3 of them. the democrats have been known from day one to be very racist, not all i mean but many in office have been, against freedom, against teh civil rights movemtent


ever heard of senator robert byrd? former kkk member in congress who is very racist. crying out loud.



Oh really???? republicans are the ones welcoming african americans???? If you know history of US, you would know that the partys switched their views------Republicans(the north) was freeing the slaves while the Democrats(the south) were for slavery

now tell me----what states are republicans now????? yup thats right---the slave owner south---


politics is all about racism---got many points on that if u wish to listen :P

he he he

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sorry but majority of people chose democrat Al Gore----Bush stealing the election aint us chosing him----no need to explain how he stole it----just look at who is governor of FL-----a Bush :P


You're probably one of those people who saw Farenheit 911 and took in every piece of information without question like the rest of American society. If you really want to know what you're talking about it's best to see both sides of the story. Why don't you go watch FarenHEIP 911 and then start talking about "Bush stealing the election."

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sorry but majority of people chose democrat Al Gore----Bush stealing the election aint us chosing him----no need to explain how he stole it----just look at who is governor of FL-----a Bush :P


You're probably one of those people who saw Farenheit 911 and took in every piece of information without question like the rest of American society. If you really want to know what you're talking about it's best to see both sides of the story. Why don't you go watch FarenHEIP 911 and then start talking about "Bush stealing the election."


NOOOO i am saying that because i am a political science major and ma paper to be admitted to UCLA was about the 2000 election so i had to do alot of research on it

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I don't undertstand why they chose Egypt. We didn't do ANYTHING!!

Apparently, almost 55 of the dead were Egyptian :cry:


P.s: Thanks Sarah....


Wow---i feel your pain and let me tell u how sorry i feel that this happened in Egypt and how sick i feel of these incidents-------


"Where is the love?????" i ask maself so many times--


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