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:laugh3:well, I have to go, I need to write a report for my chemestry class :wacko: it was nice talking to you, I hope we do it more often :wacky: take care, be a good mod ;) I actually never said congratulations, I did notice though :uhoh:


anyway, congrats :dance: see you later :kiss:

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AW :bigcry: I MISSED OUT ON ALL THE FUN :bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry:


I want to talk about poetry :thinking: the discussion sounded very philosophical. I agree in a way that a poet should write whatever they want. But it makes things a lot more exciting when the subjects are less "emo" :huh: Actually I would say when they are less personal they are more interesting. My opinion is useless and worth not a penny, but I like to state it. There it is :blush:


:evil: :evil: SOMEONE TELL ME i'M WRONG :evil: :evil:

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Guest LiquidSky

Sounds of trains


sitting by the window

trees all around

such a view

such a view of you

la solitudine

in your eyes


dirty feet

morto nel treno

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I read the previous pages... I'm pretty sensitive about this...


a poet should write about everything, that's what a writer should do, after getting to know the perfect way to do it , then they can write about what the want to. and a poet should do that even more, just because poems are all about expressions, if you cant express everything no matter what you talk about, then what good it comes out from being a poet? if you will be happy with writing one kind of poems, not caring about ervything that is outside, then, from my point of view, you are a mediocre writer :wacko:



I agree with the ' a poet should write about everything' part.


There's no perfect way to write sth. It depends on the person who writes. I've a special way to do it, everyone does.


I know I can't express everything, so, according to you, I consider myself as a bad poet.


my poems are where I want them to be.


I exactly agree with that. you are paradoxical.

You criticize the fact that a poet may choose only one topic to write about, and in this last quote, you say 'My poems are what I want them to be'....

It' s paradoxical.

Someone who writes poems wants them what he/she wants to be as well.

So, you can't criticize the fact that a poet chooses this or that topic.


I know, this is a free forum and you give your opinion, bla bla....

So do I. I give mine as well.

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Agrees with Mike.


About the emo part of some of our poems (or all, whatever), what's up with that? I mean making poems according to me is like the best way to express yourself and when a poet is sad or whatever and writes about it, it's emo?

Emo people are according to me people that whine and are sad because of the most stupid things.

If a poet express him/herself in a poem and if she/he's sad, does that make the poet or the poem emo?


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You brought my skin

Now I won't fade

Now I won't be late


we will find each other


Waiting for it to come

Making up stories to survive

Imagining emotions to survive


I won't let her to get to me


The crowd is cold

Their looks burn my skin

Their eyes make me sin


answers nowhere to be found


Our souls feel the Void

They should've been infused

They should've been crossed


I really tried to be faithful


Oblivion is eating me alive

We never met

We never kissed


but please don't forget


Don't forget

Seven thousand tears

Seven million fears


crushed upon my chest


Don't forget

I'm coming for your smile

I will come there some day


I will.

All I need to do is ...

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Sounds of trains


sitting by the window

trees all around

such a view

such a view of you

la solitudine

in your eyes


dirty feet

morto nel treno


wow viri :o I really LOVE this one. I think that's a highlight for this thread if you ask me.

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You brought my skin

Now I won't fade

Now I won't be late


we will find each other


Waiting for it to come

Making up stories to survive

Imagining emotions to survive


I won't let her to get to me


The crowd is cold

Their looks burn my skin

Their eyes make me sin


answers nowhere to be found


Our souls feel the Void

They should've been infused

They should've been crossed


I really tried to be faithful


Oblivion is eating me alive

We never met

We never kissed


but please don't forget


Don't forget

Seven thousand tears

Seven million fears


crushed upon my chest


Don't forget

I'm coming for your smile

I will come there some day


I will.

All I need to do is ...


the beginning and the ending are the strong points of this. I would like to give constructive criticism but I don't know if it might offend so that's all I'll say.

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why sewing is spelled with an E


Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock and Benjamin Franklin were in a room

with designs and stuff, like you know, Victorian house thing you see in a magazine

Thomas said “So, about this whole America thing. It’s so overrated dudes.”

And then Benjamin was like “yea, totally. I know what you mean bro.”

So John Hancock passed Franklin a reefer..

They liked ‘em green, that’s why dollar bills are green.

And they were bored, like bored people.

They were high and stuff because they were smoking the plant

that makes people high when people light the plant and put it in their mouth

And when they keep smoking it for a while eventually their brain gets high

over a period of time that it takes to get high off of the plant

that these founding fathers were smoking.

And John Hancock spelled sowing wrong.

And people were like, “whoa, but.. John Hancock is totally cool and all and stuff.

So.. Well, since he is cool and dope and all those phat words and things

We should spell sowing with an e too..” “……………………………………..Yea.”

And then it was added to the constitution, but

luckily nobody really reads the constitution anyway so nobody notices it.

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