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Just A WHISPER....

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i want to get a job, yesterday i was looking for a job on internet (there are sites where you can see some jobs that people offer (waitress, civil servant, secretary, shop assitant....)) and i found a few interesting ones, but i still have to send them my info.. i will wait till october or next week to send it to some of them so see which one choose me. but may be i'll try to get a job at a mall near home. :)


you also study felix? or you only work. i mean there are people who work to earn money to can study or things like that. :)


if i get that job i hope i can keep it for a year and then next year i will go to uni surely, and is better now because a friend told me that she heard that the studies i want to doa t uni will be at uni next year (this studies aren't at uni yet). :)

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It's for a good cause though.


Yeah, that's true - but I don't do it, cause I want to do it, I'm forced by our law to make such social work.


But anyways, the disabled guys working there are very nice - somehow nicer than some "normal" employees in that company.

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you also study felix? or you only work. i mean there are people who work to earn money to can study or things like that. :)


if i get that job i hope i can keep it for a year and then next year i will go to uni surely, and is better now because a friend told me that she heard that the studies i want to doa t uni will be at uni next year (this studies aren't at uni yet). :)


I'm going to study physics at next year's fall in hamburg. We aren't allowed to study during the civilian service (which I'm currently doing) so I'll have to wait 3 Months (!) after my work doing nothing until I can go to uni!


But good luck to you in getting a job! It was surprisingly easy for me.

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we are not forced to work by law... :stunned: i think... well not now' date=' some years ago if you don't want to do militia you can study or work in something like you are doing felix..i'm not sure.[/quote']


Yeah, in germany (as a male) you have to decide to go to the military or do some work like mine.

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oh so you still have to do military obligatory?... our government banned that law in 2000 i think.


oh well i look for someones and most them says you must have worked on a similar job before.. i never had a job before. :confused: i'm a bit afraid that i won't be good to keep that job, if i can get it.. :cry:


good luck with your job felix ;)

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here if you have a baby you don't have to do militia i think.. my dad brother (that is called like you, felix) didn't do militia because he had a son when he was 17 i think. :stunned:


i don't remember since when women have to do military service too.. i'm sure.. but i'm sure thar our government banned that law in 2000 so we don't have to do military service.

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oh so you still have to do military obligatory?... our government banned that law in 2000 i think.


Yeah - our government was discussing to ban that law since years... the length of the military period was shortened neraly every year. But they don't want to ban it, dunno why.


oh well i look for someones and most them says you must have worked on a similar job before.. i never had a job before. :confused: i'm a bit afraid that i won't be good to keep that job' date=' if i can get it.. :cry: [/quote']


I never worked befor, too. It's a weird feeling, but I think, you get used to it. If I don't wanna work anymore, they can't fire me, but they will put me into jail, hehe :-)


good luck with your job felix ;)



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No' date=' it's because I've got dual nationality. Could be a spy see :sneaky:[/quote']


haha, that's funny :-)


@ari: I think, you don't have to go to military too, when you've a baby. Furthermore, if two older brothers of you went to military, you don't have to go, too. Too bad, that I have only a little sister ;-)

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oh they discuss it year ago till they finally ban it... but they also sorted the period.. when my grandpa had to do militia he had to be 3 years in it i think :o, now they only have to be 9 month i think, hehe just like a pregnant.. :lol: sounds funny i think..


they probably don't want to ban it because they guess that then there won't be as many new militia that it used to be because people is against wars but anyways somebody have to be in militia for our security :)


oh.. if i don't do it well they'll cna ban be.. but i don't think they'll make me go to jail, that's a big difference.. :rolleyes: anyways i'm sure they won't ban you felix. :)

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oh... well i don't know but my dad are 5 brothers and as i know 3 of them had to do militia.. (my dad also, and he was the only one who end be a proffessional military, he was in militia since he was 17 till he was more or less 37...when he retired...


i know that only a brother of him didn't do militia because ha hed a kid, but the young brother i don't know if he had to do it or not.. :confused: i must ask him.

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