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Since I don't come here very often, I realised that If you are not here a lot (or with enough time on your hands to spend more than 10 mins in here) you don't really have anything to post. Not because there's nothing really interesting, but because the titles are dull boring (and often have something inside that's totally different to the title). Titles such as "Fuck, fuck, fuck" or "GSCE 2005" do not seem very attractive to me, even though the content can be. (but I often read only the things that I think sound interesting - sometimes depending on the author -).


You might think, before you read this, that this was about the space shuttle, maybe about the Channel (I was watching tv the other day...).


A boar is like market. You try to make your post as interestig and attractive as possible, so people will read them (If a hypocrite tells me that he/sh doesn't care about that, I would not believe that).

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Lemon :surprised:


Carla makes a point. I dont even come on here to chat about anything nowadays (Like something in interesting topics) its basically another MSN for me, I just talk to the people I know. If I didnt know them I really would come on here and blankly stare at the Lounge page and then leave.

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Lemon :surprised:


Carla makes a point. I dont even come on here to chat about anything nowadays (Like something in interesting topics) its basically another MSN for me, I just talk to the people I know. If I didnt know them I really would come on here and blankly stare at the Lounge page and then leave.


that's what i do, sadly. i don't really know any of you people. :disappointed:

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hahahahahaha, a Lemon! I love lemons! I love the colour (that's like green with yellow) ..... ah and I don't care my threads have like 1 reply; I'm kinda used to not being very popular here (:lol: say what you want!)




ah, this is a picture of my new haircut. I love it and I wanted everyone to see it (naw, really I'm bored and everyone here hates it, so I'm hoping for a nice reply :P)


I just adore the way I ended up and it's all myself made. My hair is my platonic love now... If that's possible :lol:

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WORK? Me working? :lol: I don't work. I've never worked. I'm going on holidays to the south with my sister and some friends. Dad rent us an apartment and we'll spent a week skiing :D. My dad pays, If I had to I couldn't, I have no money at all... in Chilean society parents pay all their children things until they graduate from University (including University which is state funded but costs the equivalent to 2.000 or 3.000 sternling pounds a year; that's the equivalent in money because If you compared with the salaries... people earn here like 1/5 than people on the U.K, and things are 1/5 cheaper, except University) Well, that's the common thing where I come from :)

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Guest LiquidSky

I was ready to move this thread to the News section, Tuertita! :P :P :P But anyways, I don't really read too much into every posts..sometimes I think no one ever reads mine or click on my profile or gets interested in me because well it's like talking to a ghost..plus I don't like saying much... I come here to run away from reality :lol: yes reality.. :P I need to hide away and bring down my stress level down a bit! :lol: and to just forget about some things.. :rolleyes: :/ it's just, I need it so I can breathe better... :P


So how are you, Tuertita? :D

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