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So glad to see they pulled thru at Tonight's show after resting thru Tampa and Birmingham.I wonder now if they will play a few more dates and then skip a couple of other venue's so Chris can rest. I wonder.... how can so many other Artist's and Bands get it done without cancelling out shows.Im not talking just U2,The Stones and other bands,but MANY other Artist's seem to get it together and get the job done.A Singer's voice should be the most precious thing to TAKE CARE OF,not forget about till it gets so shot. Whatever Miraculous thing that Doc gave him in West Palm,he shouldve taken extra for Tampa and Birmingham.Sorry,but I dont understand.Coldplay is getting a BAD reputation for cancelling shows,they have done it before,is doing it now and seemingly WILL keep doing it.My hopes were dashed that night and I honestly dont think I can ever be that excited on seeing them again after what happened.Does it make me not as "True" a fan? Maybe in your eyes.I am just so very dissappointed that even hearing their songs makes me so sad.And how should I feel when I come on here and see threads about the concert tonight and the one's in the future where people say WOW! Great show! Its like salt in this wound. 2 years of waiting to see them Live......I havent loved a band this much in years so yeah, I'm devastated.Call me crazy but I think Tampa and Birmingham should be added at the end of the American tour,or do whatever they have to to make it up to the fans SOMETHING better than "See ya next year!".Am I asking for too much?,not at all.These cities will end up being the forgotten ones and thats a damn shame.Before this when I mentioned going to this concert that never happened,most people said "Coldplay? Who's that?,never heard of them".I think soon enough I will be saying the same,that is after I sell my Coldplay Cd's and DVD's on Ebay for a Dollar.I'm done.


* Note from Me*

Dear Coldplay,I am so sorry your voice was tired out from playing so many venue's in America that you felt you needed a break at the expense of 20+ thousand fans.I'm very happy these few days of rest got you through tonight's show without a hitch.Perhaps you need a better Tour promoter or start taking better care of your instrument,maybe? I hope you lost a great deal of money from these missed venues,but you will make it up,I'm sure-unlike the rest of us.All we got to show for being your fans was a flyer handed to us by the workers blocking the entrance or an announcement on the radio,THANK YOU SO MUCH COLDPLAY.You skipping out on these 2 cities is and will be a major set back for you.Mark my words,I highly doubt the attendance will be as high next year or whenever you decide to come back.'See you in Spring 2006'? Nah,I think I will cancel out on that one.

Love, Ex Coldplay fan

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A Singer's voice should be the most precious thing to TAKE CARE OF,not forget about till it gets so shot.


You are correct about that---a singer should take care of himself---but we dont decide if we want to get sick or not---i always get unexpected colds and sicknesses but what can we do???? Its just life you know--


if you have a way to plan your sickneses---let me know---cause that would really help me to not miss important school days


Before this when I mentioned going to this concert that never happened,most people said "Coldplay? Who's that?,never heard of them".I think soon enough I will be saying the same,that is after I sell my Coldplay Cd's and DVD's on Ebay for a Dollar.I'm done.


i think coldplay is more known now--but anywho--if ur selling your coldplay stuff---i'll buy it for more than a dollar----at least two :idea2:


I can ever be that excited on seeing them again after what happened.Does it make me not as "True" a fan? Maybe in your eyes.


I dont think you were ever a true fan of coldplay anyways---if them getting sick makes you forget about them----common--Ms. Exageration

A true fan doesnt react that way over something that was not planned and specially something having to do with their health---

again, if u know a way to plan not get sick at all---let them know---maybe that would help them not to cancel again


Oh---and i didnt get to go to a concert until march of this year---so that was like 3 years of being a fan and not meeting them-------me meeting them or not doesnt change the fact that i love their music with all my heart


oh, yeah, welcome to the board :P

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That post was the most immature thing I've ever read!


I'm sorry but shut up! I am sick and tired of people whinging about this.


Chris Martin is a PERSON not a robot, he gets sick, he has a right to get better! He can't physically sing, what do you want him to do come out on stage and hum??


Yes it's disappointing but it's tough shit, there's worse things going on in the world!


And it's been clearly stated many times that the shows will be rescheduled!


Grow up and if you can't, then just keep it to yourself because most of us are sick to death of hearing about it!


I'm sorry for the harshness but it just really riles me! :angry: :rolleyes:

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Guest LiquidSky

Before this when I mentioned going to this concert that never happened,most people said "Coldplay? Who's that?,never heard of them".I think soon enough I will be saying the same,that is after I sell my Coldplay Cd's and DVD's on Ebay for a Dollar.I'm done.


You are selling your Coldplay stuff for one dollar?! Ohhhh! Pick me! I'll buy your Coldplay stuff for one dollar ;) :D


PS: I'm sorry that the shows got cancelled..but COME ON! :dozey:

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